Iranian Election Meddling: How Trump’s Tough Stance Made Him a Global Target

In a shocking revelation, the Islamic Republic of Iran hacked former President Donald Trump’s campaign and attempted to pass the stolen materials to the Biden-Harris team during the 2024 presidential race. This breach is not just about foreign interference; it’s about the lengths America’s adversaries will go to stop a leader who puts America first.

Iran’s actions were uncovered in a joint statement by the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Iranian hackers, posing as “malicious cyber actors,” sent emails in late June and early July to the Biden-Harris campaign containing sensitive, non-public information from Trump’s campaign. Though the agencies claim there’s no evidence that Biden-Harris officials replied to these emails, the mere fact that Iran sought to aid them speaks volumes.

The real issue here isn’t whether Joe Biden and Kamala Harris responded; it’s why Iran, a state sponsor of terror, would want to tip the scales in their favor. President Trump’s policy on Iran was clear: crippling sanctions, zero tolerance for nuclear ambition, and dismantling their influence in the region. These tough measures isolated Iran economically and politically, putting the regime on the defensive. Another Trump term would mean the continuation of this hardline approach.

By contrast, Iran saw the Biden-Harris and now Harris-Walz ticket as a return to the appeasement policies of the Obama era—when billions were handed over to Tehran. With Biden-Harris and now Harris-Walz ticket, Iran could once again wield its influence with fewer repercussions. As Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt emphasized, this interference is further proof that Iran actively sought to ensure Trump’s defeat because they knew he would “restore his tough sanctions” and stand firm against their reign of terror.

While officials in the Harris camp claimed that the Iranian emails were phishing attempts sent to personal accounts, the Trump campaign raised critical questions: What if this data influenced the Democrat strategies behind the scenes? What did they know, and when did they know it?

National security concerns go beyond party lines, yet the mainstream media’s response to this revelation has been muted compared to the uproar following false accusations of Russian meddling in 2016. Why is there no outrage now? Is foreign interference only problematic when it doesn’t benefit the left? This selective indignation speaks to a deeper issue—Trump’s presidency has always been a target for both domestic and global forces who fear his uncompromising America-first policies.

More alarming still is the fact that Iran didn’t stop with the Biden-Harris campaign. They continued to send Trump’s stolen data to media organizations, which they know are also adversaries of Trump, showing that their goal was to sow discord and discredit Trump at every level. This attack wasn’t just an assault on the Trump campaign—it was an attack on the integrity of the U.S. electoral process, with global Islamic actors like Iran aiming to manipulate the outcome.

This isn’t just about one election—it’s about the future of American sovereignty. As foreign powers continue their attempts to meddle, it’s critical to recognize the broader implications. The Trump campaign has been hacked, and Trump himself remains their number one target because he refuses to bow to international pressure. Iran’s interference reveals just how much is at stake—and why America needs a leader who will fight back.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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