Islamic Terror Attack Foiled: Afghan Jihadi in Oklahoma Arrested by FBI

An Islamic terror attack planned by an Afghan jihadi in Oklahoma was just thwarted by the FBI. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, a 27-year-old Afghan citizen who entered the U.S. in 2021 on a special immigrant visa, is currently on parole status pending his immigration case. He entered the country just days after Biden’s disastrous Afghan withdrawal and had been planning an ISIS-inspired Election Day attack targeting large crowds of innocent Americans.

Tawhedi and a juvenile accomplice were arrested after attempting to purchase AK-47s, magazines, and ammunition from a confidential FBI source in rural Oklahoma. They had obtained two AK-47 rifles, ten magazines, and 500 rounds of ammunition before they were taken into custody. According to messages obtained by the FBI, Tawhedi was plotting to attack a location with a large crowd on Election Day.

In addition to buying weapons, Tawhedi had also been researching surveillance camera access in Washington, D.C., and looking for states where he could buy firearms without a license. As part of his preparation, he took steps to liquidate his family’s assets and resettle them in the U.S. His co-conspirator, a juvenile, advertised the family’s personal property for sale on Facebook as part of the plan.

Disturbingly, Tawhedi wasn’t only planning an attack—he was also indoctrinating children. The FBI discovered disturbing images on Tawhedi’s phone, including one showing him describing to his daughter and another child the “rewards” of martyrdom in the afterlife.

State leaders have expressed outrage following Tawhedi’s arrest. He has been charged with conspiring to provide material support to ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), which carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years, and receiving firearms to commit a terrorist act, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years. His case perfectly highlights the dangers of an immigration system that allows individuals with jihadi ties to enter the U.S. unchecked.

The Biden administration’s use of parole status for Afghan evacuees, a temporary measure allowing them into the U.S., has been fiercely criticized by conservatives like President Donald Trump. The former President warned that this broad use of parole undermines national security, as dangerous individuals can exploit the system under the guise of humanitarian efforts. Tawhedi’s case is a prime example of that risk. It is a direct reflection of how the U.S. is becoming increasingly vulnerable to Islamic terror under the current immigration policies.

Kamala Harris, the so-called “border czar,” has failed to address this ongoing threat. Her policies allow radicals like Tawhedi to take advantage of a broken immigration system, leaving Americans vulnerable. How many more Islamic terror plots need to be foiled before Democrats admit the threat we face? How many more Americans must be at risk before they act?

There’s a reason Harris was endorsed by over 30 controversial imams—her policies enable jihadis while Americans pay the price. It’s time for leadership that acknowledges the threat and shuts down pathways for jihadis to enter this country.

The full complaint can be read here.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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