On Tuesday, December 12, In a harrowing event that has deeply unsettled the community, a knife-wielding man invaded “Les Mini Kids,” a nursery school in Champigny-sur-Marne, a Parisian suburb. The nursery predominantly serves children under two, many of whom are Jewish. This chilling incident, which took place on Tuesday, December 12, has profoundly shaken the local community and amplified existing fears among French Jewish citizens.
The intruder, described as a man of North African descent with a bushy beard and black cap, burst into the nursery and rapidly made his way to the Jewish director’s office. Once there, he aggressively brandished a knife, slammed her desk, and launched into a tirade of threats encompassing both physical violence and sexual assault. The director was subjected to a horrifying onslaught of antisemitic and sexually charged threats. He chillingly mirrored the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 in Israel, threatening her with similar acts of murder, rape, and kidnapping.
He threatened, “You are a Jew, you are a Zionist. I am going to kill you. You dirty Jew. Five of us will come here and rape you, chop you up like in Gaza.”. The terrorist then left the scene abruptly, leaving the headmistress in a state of shock. The children in the nursery were immediately confined for safety, and the police were notified.
In the wake of the attack, the headmistress filed a complaint, revealing the underlying context of fear that has gripped the French Jewish community, especially since the terrorist attack in Israel. The nursery had requested a security assistance system (SAS) to safeguard the premises, but it had not been implemented at the time of the incident.
Still in shock from the ordeal, the headmistress declined to be interviewed. She explained in her police complaint the trauma she experienced following the event, stating, “I did nothing but rehash the scene last night. I hardly slept, maybe barely an hour, which I spent having nightmares.”
This incident highlights the escalating concerns over antisemitism and the safety of Jewish communities in France. Authorities are investigating the matter, and efforts to enhance security at Jewish locations like nurseries and educational institutions are expected to intensify in the wake of this latest attack.
“Progressive Dem who defunded Austin Police ripped for requesting police patrols at home: ‘Height of hypocrisy’
Rep. Casar voted to defund the Austin Police Department as a city council member in 2020
By Andrew Mark Miller Fox News”
Prison then deportation, immediately. Fricken psychotard!
Hey French citizens, I bet you wish you were permitted to be armed.
You should do that to your politicians. The same thing so they understand your disgust at their high treason and betrayal.
You have to ask yourself what type of culture embraces gang rape, sexual abuse of ladies, murder, and pedosatanism. Then ask yourself what does that say about the people that invite these reprobates into your country at the expense of the taxpayers and citizens. They are all abominations!
Thee is only one solution to the Muslim scourge … Accepting Jesus Christ
Lately, in the news there was a push to equate anti-zionism with anti-semetism. This was brought before congress, and approved(so I read).
This is 100% pure unadulterated BS. There are good Jews that are anti-zionist. That is a fact. The same for American lefties/ dems that are anti-kkk, anti-supremacist, and anti-satanist. To some this is confusing since Democrats started the kkk. Many are also into white supremacist ideology, witchcraft, and satanism. Is every Democrat an evil person? Nope. Many are, but not all. Question this BS. Is every Catholic priest a pedosatanist? Nope, some are, and if you use spiritual discernment, then you will be warned to avoid those types.
You will find the word “ZION” written in the 1611 edition of the King James Bible. That means that the word Zion had a meaning and usage for at least hundreds of years before political figures of the early 20th century began using and defining it to their liking.
Just as the word “gay” did (see James 2:3) before a modern sexual movement re-appropriated it.
The point? God declares his love for Zion in many places (for example: Psalm 48:2 and Psalm 50:2). Therefore, I could care less how others choose to redefine it or re-appropriate it. He says Zion is beautiful … so Zion is beautiful. What islamists and the woke say is meaningless to me.
Bang bang!
Need I say more?
Wake up France.
If you wouldn’t import these animals, you wouldn’t have to deal with them.