The Muslim community in Agualva-Cacém, a once-quiet town in Portugal’s Sintra region, has unveiled a new mosque named “Masjid Qasim.” The opening ceremony, attended by local officials, Islamic leaders from Lisbon, and residents, epitomizes a growing surrender to a foreign ideology that stands in contrast to Portugal’s democratic values.
This mosque is more than just a place of worship—it is a symbol of how Portugal is being transformed into a land that no longer resembles its proud Christian heritage. Built with foreign Islamic funding, this structure is not merely a community hub, as claimed, but a foothold for an ideology incompatible with the principles of democracy, freedom, and equality.
The leadership of this Sharia-adherent mosque touts misleading platitudes about “promoting tolerance and coexistence,” but the reality is far darker. Islam, as dictated by its core texts, does not recognize equality or coexistence. Islamic law, the foundational ideology that guides such mosques, commands submission to Islamic tenets over respect for national laws. By celebrating this mosque, Portugal is embracing a system that discriminates against women, non-Muslims, and anyone who dares to question its teachings.
Shia Waves, which is based in Iraq, celebrated this Islamization of Portugal in the following report:
Sharia in Portugal: A Threat to Freedom
Islamic law rejects freedom in every sense. There is no freedom of religion—apostates face death. There is no freedom of speech—criticism of Islam is met with threats of violence or worse. Women are considered inferior, worth only half a man, according to Islamic doctrine. Non-Muslims, branded as infidels, are relegated to a subordinate status.
Sharia enforces barbaric punishments such as stoning, amputations, and beheadings. It mandates perpetual war against those who refuse to submit to Allah’s rule. These are not fringe beliefs—they are foundational principles of Islam. Yet, Portugal has allowed a mosque grounded in these ideas to be celebrated on its soil.
Freedom’s Fight Against Naivety
Some misguidedly believe that allowing Islam to flourish under the guise of freedom somehow strengthens democracy. This could not be further from the truth. By tolerating an ideology that seeks to destroy the very freedoms it abuses, non-Muslims are aiding in their own downfall. Freedom is not an endless license to welcome those who would dismantle it. True freedom demands the courage to defend itself against its enemies.
The presence of Masjid Qasim is not an exercise in multiculturalism or coexistence; it is a warning. A warning that without vigilance and the will to set boundaries, Portugal and the rest of Europe will lose their identity, their freedom, and their future.
Westerners must stop confusing tolerance with weakness. Protecting their freedoms means standing firm against ideologies that are fundamentally at odds with democracy. Portugal’s future depends on recognizing this threat and taking action before it is too late. Freedom is not self-sustaining—it requires a nation willing to defend its values against those who would destroy them.
…when Obama ( who is a Muslim adherent ) brought millions of Muslims into America during his Presidential Term was the nail in the coffin of Liberty and Unity for the USA. Muslims do not assimilate and become a part of anything but rather distance themselves from the ‘infidel’ of Islam. Muslims are well educated in how to use their cult to take advantage of every opportunity to dismantle the host country ‘Rule of Law’ by inserting their ‘Allah is Great’ concept every chance they get. The USA is on borrowed time heading toward the loss of our identity to be overcome by the ‘Rule of the Quran’, ‘Allah’ (the moon god) and the success of the ‘Grand Jihad’…Muslims have been around for centuries and are very good at destroying once great nations…America as we have known it is fast approaching the point of no return’…
El Sid is turning in his grave
The Muslims were in Spain /Portugal before. Someone needs to dust off the history books and educate the current and confused leaders of today’s Portugal .
The Muslim (Islamic) invaders stole, burned, raped and murdered their way across the entire continent. Why did they do this? Because Islamic teachings told them that it was their duty before their god. The Koran demanded it.
If I lived or owned land in Portugal I’d be selling it and leaving for civilization .