Islamized Tennessee: Muslim Family Violently Attacks Son for Christian Conversion, Exposing the Dangers of Apostasy in the West (Video)

Islamic teachings, as confirmed by the words and deeds of Muhammad, state that those who abandon Islam are to be executed.

Nashville, TN – In a harrowing example of the extreme dangers faced by Muslims who dare to leave their faith or adopt Western values, an Islamic family in Nashville, Tennessee, was arrested for a brutal assault on their son, who converted to Christianity. This alarming incident, occurring early Tuesday, highlights the severe threats faced by those renouncing Islam, a reality whitewashed by Western narratives on the nature of Islam.

The victim, subjected to a vicious attack by his own family, told the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) that his father, Nick Kadum, mother, Rawaa Khawaji, and brother, John Kadum, physically assaulted him. This assault was not just an act of violence but a clear message to the victim and others like him: deviating from Islam can have dire consequences, even in Western countries renowned for their religious freedoms.

The mother’s actions were particularly disturbing. Rawaa Khawaji escalated the abuse by using a knife to cut the back of her son’s right hand, a sinister act reflecting the depth of hostility towards apostasy in Muslim families. Apostasy is an act which for which the death penalty is required under Islamic law. This incident is not isolated but part of a broader, distressing pattern where Muslims leaving their faith face severe repercussions, often from those closest to them.

The responding MNPD officers found the victim in a state of shock, ‘trembling and wide-eyed,’ due to the terror he had experienced. The victim appeared to be “cut haphazardly” with lumps on his face. The boy was transported to a local hospital for treatment, arrest records state. Officers responded to the welfare check at the Nashville home on Dec. 11 after the boy’s employer called police with concerns.

The occurrence of such a violent reaction to religious conversion in a city like Nashville is a chilling indication of how Islamic practices, rooted in apostasy laws and cultural norms, have infiltrated Western societies. This incident is a benchmark demonstrating the extent to which the values and practices associated with Islamic communities are beginning to reshape the cultural and legal landscape of Western cities and towns.

While the father and brother were released, the mother remains in custody, charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. This case is also a stark illustration of the grim reality facing many former Muslims: that their choice to leave Islam or assimilate Western values can lead to familial targeting, community ostracism, and attacks, or, as seen here, life-threatening violence.

Understanding this broader context is crucial in fully grasping the severity of the Nashville incident. The case of the young man in Nashville is not an isolated one but rather emblematic of a deeply ingrained issue within Islam regarding apostasy and how these issues have begun to manifest and affect individuals in the West. This extends the discussion from a local incident to a global concern, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding and approach to address these entrenched and dangerous ideologies.

The Inherent Danger in Renouncing Islam

Islamic teachings, as confirmed by the words and deeds of Muhammad, state that those who abandon Islam are to be executed. This notion is not a mere interpretation but a fundamental aspect of the religion, where the only freedom of belief seems to be the freedom to become Muslim.

Watch Sheikh Saeed Rageah, born in Somalia and now serving as an Imam in Toronto, Canada, explain why he considers death for apostates to be right and good in the following video:

On Australian Television, Professor of Islamic Law Dr. Shamrahayu binti A. Aziz explains, ‘In Islam… you don’t have the right to choose the religion.’

Historical Context of Apostasy Laws:

Over 1400 years of Islamic history, there has never been a system of Islamic law that did not prescribe the death penalty for apostates. This harsh reality persists even in modern Islamic countries that, on the surface, pretend to uphold freedom of religion. Behind the veil of these legal structures, there is an informal but potent enforcement of apostasy laws through intimidation and vigilante murder.

The Atmosphere of Fear

In Islamic states, the primary concern for citizens is to avoid being accused of anti-Islamic actions or speech. This environment of fear is not only due to government actions but also because of the threat posed by friends, neighbors, and even family members, who may resort to violence against perceived apostates without fear of legal repercussions. This disturbing trend is now manifesting in the West, as exemplified by the tragic case of Saman Abbas in Italy, murdered by her family for embracing Western values and refusing an arranged marriage.

Cultural Divide Between Islam and Western Values

The core values and moral compasses of Islamic and Judeo-Christian cultures are starkly different. The fact that Islam is the only major religion that prescribes death for apostates is indicative of a fundamental divide. It points to a lack of confidence among Islamic leaders in the religion’s ability to retain followers without resorting to extreme measures.

Western Indifference to Islamic Extremism

The West’s response to the atrocities committed in the name of Islam, including the execution of apostates, has been characterized by indifference. This carefree attitude is evident in the lack of outrage over the numerous heinous acts broadcast from the Muslim world, such as the execution of Christians in Nigeria or the widespread dissemination of Islamic Jew-Hatred.

Call for a Shift in Western Perspective and Policy

To preserve Western freedoms, there is an urgent need to move beyond the dismissal and indifference towards these deep-rooted views within Islam. Understanding Islam requires not just effort and investment but also a willingness to read what Islam’s holy books say along with the words and deeds of Muhammad. The priority for Western foreign policy should not be appeasing Islam but protecting its citizens, culture, and constitutional values from any form of authoritarian ideology.

The incident in Nashville is merely a recent example of a much larger issue that challenges the very foundations of freedom and safety in Western societies. In the West, we must deal with Islam as it really is or face having our individual rights and liberties eliminated, possibly forever.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



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