Historic: Japan Grants Lump Sum Compensation Payment to Family of Dead Vaccination Victim

The ministry’s medical report speaks of anĀ acute allergic reaction and myocardial infarction after vaccination.

A health ministry panel has awarded a lump sum compensation payment for the first time to the family of a woman who died after suffering an allergic response and sudden heart attack linked to the Covid “vaccine.”

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the 91-year-old woman had pre-existing conditions, including transient ischemic attacks. They did not release details on when she was inoculated nor how many shots she received. However, the ministry’s medical report discusses an acute allergic reaction and myocardial infarction after vaccination.

The woman’s family will receive just over 44 million yen, the equivalent of 322,139.40 USD, in the form of death benefits and another 1,552.29 USD for the expenses incurred for the funeral ceremony.

A commission of experts appointed by the ministry determined Monday that a causal relationship between subsequent health problems and the vaccine could not be denied in the case of her death.

A panel spokesperson said ā€œa scientifically rigorous causal relationship is not necessaryā€ in determining eligibility for damages.

The panal also evaluated 11 cases of people from their 20s through to their 90s who had suffered adverse reactions but suspended judgment in those cases.

As of Monday, 3,680 people have had applications accepted for vaccine-related compensation, of which 850 were approved, and 62 denied. Decisions for another 16, with some cases involving deaths, were postponed.

According to the most recent data from the Tokyo government, 80% of the population received two doses of the vaccine, mainly from the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna, and 62.4% the third dose.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



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