Journalist Emily Schrader Shuts Down Russian State TV's Anchor on His Anti-Israel Disinformation (Video)

After more than 100 days, Hamas prefers being bombed over releasing Israeli hostages.

After more than 100 days, Hamas prefers being bombed over releasing Israeli hostages.

In a highly contentious and unprofessional interview that unfolded yesterday, Israeli journalist Emily Schrader firmly countered the anti-Israel disinformation presented by the Russian state TV anchor.

Despite Israel’s repeated offers to cease hostilities if Hamas releases the hostages, the terrorist organization and Muslim Brotherhood branch office, Hamas, continues to hold them captive at the expense of their own citizens.

During the interview, the RT host employed typical Marxist relativism, asserting that the number of casualties determines the moral position in a war. This tactic is often deployed selectively, becoming evident when they disagree with the side that emerges victorious. Undoubtedly, he would celebrate Israeli casualties should the Iranian-Muslim Brotherhood alliance prevail.

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad


  • Smellinsky is begging for money and attention at Davos. However, most people are more interested in the Isreal vs. Hamasshole war(better potential to ignite WWIII). Hopefully, he will go back to his money laundromat, and play the piano with his pecker again.

  • Meanwhile iranian proxy —(Houthi heathens)are attacking commercial ships with missiles. Won’t be long. WWIII will be instigated. More endless wars, or the last one. This allows the satanic kabal to disappear with their money, and avoid prosecution for the bioweapon/vaxx genocide. This is a predictable scenario. Watch the price of oil skyrocket, and long gas lines. 2024 is going to be crappy.☹

  • “This allows the satanic kabal to disappear with their money, and avoid prosecution for the bioweapon/vaxx genocide”




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