Kamala Harris’s Marxist Attorney General Picks Exposed: Trevor Loudon Reveals the Communist Plot to Transform America’s Justice System (Interview)

Kamala Harris’s potential Attorney General picks—Eric Holder, Tony West, and Keith Ellison—are each deeply entrenched in radical communist movements, poised to drive a revolutionary agenda that could irreversibly transform the fabric of America.

RAIR Foundation USA recently sat down with renowned author and expert on communism, Trevor Loudon, for a chilling interview that exposed the deep-rooted connections between key figures in American politics and their ties to significant individuals implementing communist ideologies in the United States. Loudon, who has been a leading voice on the dangers of Marxism in the West, laid out an intricate web of connections spanning from former President Barack Obama to current Vice President Kamala Harris, Attorney General Eric Holder, and even Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison. The interview comes at a critical time as the U.S. approaches another pivotal election.

Eric Holder: A Marxist Legacy

During the interview, Loudon reminded listeners of Eric Holder’s Marxist ties, stating, “Holder was an old Marxist from his college days.” Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, was not just a passive bystander in leftist movements, according to Loudon. Still, someone actively working to dismantle the Republican Party and shift power in favor of the Democrats. Loudon emphasized how Holder, under Obama’s guidance, has worked relentlessly to influence electoral maps in favor of the Democrats, helping to tilt the balance of power permanently. Loudon also shared Holder’s connection to Percy Sutton, a powerful Manhattan Borough controller with deep communist family ties, whom Loudon described as Holder’s mentor. Sutton was instrumental in shaping Holder’s radical political agenda.

The Kamala Harris Connection

Loudon’s revelations about Kamala Harris were even more alarming. Harris’s Marxist background, according to Loudon, runs deep. He explained that Harris’s parents were involved in a Marxist group in Berkeley, the Afro-American Association, which espoused radical ideologies influenced by Mao Tse Tung and Che Guevara. “This group eventually spawned the Black Panther Party,” Loudon noted, highlighting the violent and extremist roots of Harris’s political upbringing.

Perhaps most shocking is the link between Harris, Sutton, and Barack Obama. Loudon explained how Khalid Al Mansur, a radical figure in Harris’s parents’ Marxist group, convinced Sutton to help Obama gain acceptance to Harvard. “This is a very incestuous network,” Loudon said, “Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris—all come from the same Marxist group.” The ties between these prominent political figures and the global communist movement reveal a concerted effort to undermine America’s foundational values.

Freedom Road Socialist Organization and the George Floyd Riots

Loudon pointed to more recent events to illustrate the Marxist infiltration of American institutions, specifically highlighting the role of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) in the George Floyd riots. According to Loudon, this pro-China communist group was instrumental in organizing the riots that devastated cities like Minneapolis. “Eric Holder dropped charges against 22 members of FRSO who were involved in terrorist activities,” Loudon said, hinting at political favoritism that protected key players in the riots.

Keith Ellison: A Radical Leftist in Power

Keith Ellison, the current Attorney General of Minnesota, also came under fire during the interview. Loudon called out Ellison for standing idly by while the city burned during the George Floyd riots, largely organized by his associates in the FRSO. Loudon also referenced Ellison’s ties to the same communist networks as Harris and Obama, painting a picture of a coordinated effort among left-wing radicals to bring about revolutionary changes to the United States.

The Broader Communist Agenda

Loudon’s message was clear: what America is facing today is not merely political squabbling between Democrats and Republicans but a full-blown communist revolution. “This is an election between freedom and communism,” Loudon warned. He expressed concern that if Kamala Harris becomes president, her Marxist roots would drive policies that would fundamentally transform the country—legalizing millions of illegal immigrants, stacking the Supreme Court with leftist justices, and undermining America’s energy independence.

“This is a Maoist takeover,” Loudon said bluntly, explaining that Harris and her allies aim to destroy middle-class wealth through excessive taxation, erode America’s national identity through mass immigration, and impose leftist ideology on every aspect of American life.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy in Action

In response to a question about the Cloward-Piven strategy, a radical left-wing approach to overloading the welfare system to bring about the collapse of capitalism, Loudon confirmed its implementation in modern American politics. “This has been a long Marxist program,” Loudon said, highlighting the expansion of the welfare state, mass illegal immigration, and bureaucratic bloating as methods designed to bankrupt the nation and centralize power.

A Call to Action

Loudon concluded the interview with a dire warning and a call to action. “This is our last shot,” he said, urging Americans to wake up to the Marxist threat facing the nation. He praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for calling out his opponent as a Marxist during his gubernatorial campaign, which helped him narrowly secure victory. Loudon emphasized that the entire Republican Party must adopt this strategy and expose the communist ties of Kamala Harris and her associates.

“This election is not about Democrat versus Republican; it’s about freedom versus communism,” Loudon declared, driving home the stakes of the upcoming election.

Trevor Loudon’s new book, Stealth: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots, dives deeper into these connections and provides the evidence needed to challenge the radical left’s grip on American politics.

Buy a copy of Loundon’s new book here.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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