Left's War on Democracy: Crushing Viktor Orbán's Nationalist Revolution and Betraying the People's Will (Video)

In a shocking display of political manipulation, the left-wing establishment, terrified of the rising right, has trampled on democratic principles by enforcing a cordon sanitaire to block Orban’s Patriots for Europe from their rightful positions, betraying the will of millions of voters.

A disgraceful spectacle is unfolding in the European Parliament. The left-wing establishment has united to exclude Viktor Orbán’s new “Patriots for Europe” group from offices that are rightfully theirs. This coordinated effort, known as a cordon sanitaire, is a blatant attack on democracy, showing the left’s desperation as they face the growing power and influence of right-wing voices in Europe.

Silvia Sardone, an Italian MEP for the Lega (Matteo Salvini’s party), has courageously exposed this undemocratic blockade. She highlighted the blatant disregard for the D’Hondt method—a mathematical system designed to allocate positions fairly based on the proportion of MEPs in each group. Despite being the third-largest group, the “Patriots for Europe” have been denied all positions, including vice presidents, quaestors, and committee chairs. This is a clear affront to fairness and the democratic process as stipulated by the EU.

“The left, scared of the growing force of the right-wing, has entrenched itself and brought forward a cordon sanitaire we had already seen in the previous five years,” Sardone stated. This tactic is not new; it has been used at various government levels to stifle those seeking meaningful change. In national parliaments, regional councils, and even municipal councils, opposition parties are given guarantee commissions to uphold democratic principles. Yet, in the European Parliament, these principles are trampled upon with impunity every time the popular vote goes to a non-leftist party.

The left’s hypocritical tactics are glaring and consistent. They preach democracy and respect for institutions yet systematically violate the rights of the opposition. Millions of voters who supported the Patriots for Europe are disregarded, and their voices are silenced. Sardone’s anger is palpable: “They spit in the face of rules and practices that are consolidated. For a few extra seats, they trample on common sense.”

The leftists’ disdain for those wishing to reform the European Union to better serve its citizens is evident. Anyone advocating for change is marginalized and deemed unworthy of holding positions. Sardone questions this twisted logic: “Does it seem normal to you?” This question resonates with many who are tired of the status quo and yearn for a Europe that truly represents its people.

Despite these challenges, Sardone remains resolute. “Even without any position, we will continue to bring forward the voice of the citizens, the Italians’ requests, and to fight here at the European Parliament.” Viktor Orbán and the Patriots for Europe group share this unyielding spirit, and they are determined to push back against the leftist stronghold.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is spearheading a nationalist counter-revolution within the European Union by forming a powerful new parliamentary group, Patriots for Europe. This groundbreaking alliance of nationalist parties from across Europe promises to shake up the EU Parliament, potentially shifting the balance of power away from the socialist and monolithic project of the European Union. This movement aims to redefine the future of the EU by restoring the voice of nation-states within the union. Nationalist parties from the Netherlands and Spain have joined forces with Orbán’s Fidesz, Austria’s FPÖ, Czech ANO, and Portuguese Chega, adding momentum to this rising coalition.

Orbán has long been a target of leftist attacks due to his staunch defense of national sovereignty and traditional values. His formation of the “Patriots for Europe” group is a bold step toward uniting like-minded MEPs committed to a Europe that respects its diverse cultures and protects its borders. Orbán’s vision of a Europe that prioritizes the safety and well-being of its citizens over the whims of a globalist agenda is gaining traction, much to the left’s chagrin.

The cordon sanitaire imposed by the leftists is not just an attack on the “Patriots for Europe” but an attack on the democratic process itself. It attempts to stifle dissent and maintain control over the European voice, liberties, culture, laws and trade. However, the resilience of leaders like Silvia Sardone and Viktor Orbán is a beacon of hope. They represent a growing movement that refuses to be silenced, fighting for a Europe that truly serves its people.

The left’s tactics are clear: demonize, marginalize, silence, and exclude. But the right’s resolve is stronger. With leaders like Sardone and Orbán at the helm, the fight for a democratic and representative Europe continues to push forward. The “Patriots for Europe” group stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dare to challenge the establishment and fight for the future of Europe.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • The left in Europe feels the population turning on them. They are seen as the true fascists and purveyors of evil against the European people. They fear the people. And so, they use every illicit tool to diminish the people’s will and the rising leaders they support. This is why the US needs to abandon NATO, leave the Paris Accord and let these leftists languish in the hell they are creating. Europeans must see and experience this treachery. Only when the people see the true nature of their evil will they rise up against this crushing bureaucracy!

  • Samantha Power US Obama interloper is busy impementing Barack Obama’s plan to interfere in Hungary;s democratic process.

  • What you have been trained to believe and not believe is backwards. Your schools were infiltrated 80 years ago. In Europe the Marshall plan did the same. Had Hitler been left and England joined him as he wanted, The scourge of communism would of been vanquished. Instead the Roosevelt administration and subsequent governments in England welcomed communism. Alger Hiss and his family of communists, let us not forget our ally uncle Joe. The second world war was about communism as an infiltrated people we fought for communism. Since then our own nation has been further commun-ized.
    Communism placed it’s foot solidly in the USA in the later 19th century but it was the paid initiatives of the Soviet Union that brought it to government by the later 1930’s. You already accept basic tenets of communism as rights and do not know that these ideas were seeded, planted into your mind. When you think you are powerful you are actually powerless and when you think you are against communism, you are actually quite unwittingly for it.


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