'Long Live Freedom, Damn It!': Milei's Unapologetic Rallying Cry Marks Argentina's New Chapter (Video)

In an unprecedented turn of events, Javier Milei, a self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, has clinched the presidency in Argentina, heralding the dawn of a transformative era characterized by unapologetic convictions and a bold departure from the political status quo. The triumph of Milei, a staunch advocate for pro-liberty policies, serves as a seismic shift for the nation, eliciting a spectrum of reactions that range from left-wing commendation to conservative celebration.

President-elect Milei delivered a victory speech addressing the nation’s need for reconstruction and emphasizing the historical significance of the moment. He thanked his team and supporters for their two-year effort to promote classical liberal and libertarian principles.

Acknowledging key figures in his campaign, including his sister Karina and Santiago Caputo, Milei expressed gratitude to former President Mauricio Macri and politician Patricia Bullrich for their support of change. He announced the end of what he termed as Argentinean decadence, signaling a shift from the previous state-centric model.

Milei invoked the ideas of freedom championed by Argentina’s founding fathers, advocating for a limited, free, flexible, and creative government. He emphasized the urgency of addressing critical issues such as inflation, unemployment, and poverty, asserting that only the ideas of freedom could provide solutions.

The president-elect extended an olive branch to those willing to join the change, emphasizing the importance of unity. He warned against resistance, stating, “Within the law, everything; outside the law, nothing.” Milei urged the current government to act responsibly until the end of its mandate.

On the global stage, Milei pledged to work with the free world, advocating for democracy, free trade, and peace. He assured that under his leadership, Argentina would reclaim its place in the world.

As Milei supporters celebrated in the streets, the global community reacted with a range of responses. Milei was congratulated by Donald Trump, who urged the president-elect to “Make Argentina Great Again”.  The coming days will reveal the impact of Milei’s convictions on Argentina’s future, as the nation experiences the promises of a new presidency focused on liberal and libertarian values.

RAIR Foundation

1 comment

  • I pray he is the real deal. Hopefully, the WEF won’t bribe, extort, or blackmail him into submission. They have a habit of doing that these days. Go Javier!


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