Major Shake-Up: Geert Wilders' New Conservative Government to Opt-Out of EU Asylum Rules, Halting Islamic Migration (Video)

The Hague, Netherlands—In a historic move, the Netherlands’ new populist government, led by Geert Wilders, has announced its decision to opt out of EU asylum rules. This bold step involves abolishing asylum seeker permits for illegal Islamic invaders.

Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party and widely recognized for his proposals to ban mosques and the Quran, emerged as the most popular politician in last year’s election. Following six months of intense negotiations, the new coalition government has released a 26-page document outlining their agenda. The document pledges to deport illegal aliens without valid residence permits “as much as possible, even forcibly.”

In a discussion on GB News, speakers highlighted Wilders’ significant compromise on his initial plans for Nexit (the Netherlands’ exit from the EU) and a Quran ban. These compromises were necessary to form a government coalition that would support his strict immigration policies.

“Geert Wilders has abandoned plans for Nexit and the Quran ban to ensure the strictest asylum policy in Europe,” said one commentator. This policy shift aims to make the Netherlands less attractive to potential immigrants by removing EU asylum rules and enforcing stringent deportation measures.

Wilders’ Freedom Party won nearly a quarter of the votes in the last election, securing 37 of the Dutch Parliament’s 150 seats. Despite facing significant opposition from other political factions, which delayed the formation of his government, Wilders’ coalition has now solidified its stance on immigration.

Critics argue that Wilders’ policies are hardline and anti-democratic, but his supporters view him as a visionary responding to the people’s mandate. “A big swathe of the electorate wanted his ideas,” noted a speaker during the GB News discussion, emphasizing the legitimacy of his platform in a proportional representation system.

The new policy has drawn parallels with the UK’s Rwanda plan, which relocates asylum seekers to Rwanda. As countries like Britain and now the Netherlands adopt stricter asylum measures, there is speculation that other European nations might follow suit.

This shift in the Netherlands is seen as a significant shake-up, potentially influencing broader European immigration policies. Wilders’ government aims to set a new precedent in handling asylum seekers, emphasizing national security and strict border controls.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



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