Met Police Dismiss Hezbollah Terror Threat as 'Opinion' – A Dangerous Symptom of UK’s Increasing Islamization (Video)

The shocking conduct of the Metropolitan Police in addressing antisemitism and support for terror was exposed during a Hezbollah vigil in London’s Trafalgar Square on September 28th. When confronted with the fact that Hezbollah is legally designated as a terrorist group, a Met officer shockingly replied, “That’s your opinion.”

Whether this response stems from ignorance or something more troubling—like tacit support for the group—it highlights the growing concern about the UK’s increasing Islamization and the failure to confront the threat of Islamic terrorism.

Let’s be clear: Hezbollah is not an “opinion.” It is a proscribed Islamic terrorist organization under UK law, known for its antisemitic rhetoric and violent actions as an Iranian proxy. The head of MI5 has repeatedly warned about the significant threat posed by Iranian-backed groups, including Hezbollah, to the UK’s security. Yet, here we have Met officers downplaying this very real and urgent danger.

The incident, captured on video, shows a member of the public informing the police about Hezbollah’s terrorist status, only to be met with ignorance. How can the Met protect the public when its officers aren’t even familiar with the basic legal facts about terrorist organizations?

This failure doesn’t just reflect poor individual conduct. It exposes a systemic breakdown in the Metropolitan Police’s training and priorities. Is it any wonder that antisemitism and terror glorification have been allowed to flourish unchecked at recent protests?

The Campaign Against Antisemitism, a UK-based charity fighting antisemitism, is calling for immediate action to ensure law enforcement is properly trained on issues of terrorism and hate. The public deserves better than officers who dismiss terrorist groups as mere “opinions.”

How many more warnings do we need before the Met wakes up to the real threat?

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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