Mosques or Military Bases: Exposing the Global Jihad Network from Lebanon to the West (Video)

From Lebanon to Western cities, mosques aren’t hijacked by radicals—they serve as command centers for jihad, beachheads, indoctrinating followers with violent teachings to subjugate non-believers and dismantle Western civilization from within.

Israel’s recent military strike on a mosque in southern Lebanon, identified as a Hezbollah command center, brings into sharp focus a reality that extends well beyond the Middle East. The mosque, which was positioned near the Salah Ghandour hospital in Bint Jbail, was not merely a house of worship. According to the IDF, it was a strategic base used by Hezbollah terrorists to plan attacks against Israel.

This incident exemplifies a larger global pattern: mosques are not being “exploited” by radicals—they are themselves centers of Islamic teachings that, when faithfully followed, lead adherents to violent actions, and they are growing in influence across the West.

Many have mistakenly believed that mosques are being “exploited” by extremists, but the truth is much more extreme. If a mosque faithfully adheres to Islamic teachings based on the Quran and the life of the Prophet Muhammad, it inherently promotes ideologies that are considered radical by Western standards. Reforming or moderating Islam is considered blasphemy, punishable by death according to Islamic law. Therefore, these mosques are not being misused; rather, they are fulfilling their intended purpose as outlined by Islam itself—spreading its message, building armies, and gradually working towards the eventual dominance of Islamic law over Western institutions.

It is not a coincidence that many of the terrorists who have carried out attacks in the West were devoutly religious, as evidenced by their consistent mosque attendance. Time and time again, individuals like Omar Mateen, Nidal Hasan, and the 9/11 hijackers grew more dangerous as their adherence to Islam deepened. This pattern suggests that the teachings within these mosques, when followed faithfully, do not lead to peaceful outcomes but instead foster actions that are inherently violent toward non-Muslims. The more devout one becomes, the more aligned they are with these teachings, which call for the dominance of Islam and the subjugation of non-believers.

The Problem with Islamic fundamentalism is the fundamentals of Islam”. – Author Sam Harris.

Devout Muslims in mosques across the West frequently cite specific teachings from the Quran and Hadith to justify their violent actions and opposition to Western values. For example, Quran (9:29) instructs believers to “fight those who do not believe in Allah,” which serves as a foundational text for offensive jihad against non-Muslims. Likewise, Quran (8:12) is often cited by Muslims to justify acts of terror, such as beheadings, as a divine mandate. Furthermore, Quran (2:191) calls for the killing of non-believers wherever they are found, reinforcing the idea that Islam mandates violence against anyone perceived as an enemy. The Hadith (Sahih Muslim 4294) commands Muslims to fight people until they accept Islam, while Hadith (Sahih al-Bukhari 6924) calls for the killing of those who leave the religion. These texts are central to the teachings that fuel the actions of those who adhere more closely to Islam.

These mosques are more than places of prayer. They are outposts of Islamic expansion, centers of recruitment and indoctrination, and beachheads for foreign powers like Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia that aim to spread Islam in the West. The end goal is clear: to replace Western values, laws, and traditions with Islamic ones, gradually transforming non-Muslim societies from within.

Examples of Adherents in Western Mosques

The pattern of devout Muslims emerging from mosques in the West and carrying out jihad is well-documented and damning. Syed Farook, one of the shooters in the San Bernardino terrorist attack in 2015, attended the Dar Al Uloom Al Islamiyah mosque and the Islamic Center of Riverside in California. Farook, along with his wife, Tashfeen Malik, went on to kill 14 people in a mass shooting that shocked the nation. These mosques, like so many others in the West, appear to be more than places of worship—but a breeding ground for Islamic soldiers.

The infamous Fort Hood shooting in 2009 was carried out by Major Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist who opened fire on his fellow soldiers, killing 13 people. Hasan had been in regular contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, a notorious jihadist preacher who delivered sermons at the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia—a mosque long associated with radical ideologies. Hasan’s attendance at Dar al-Hijrah and his relationship with al-Awlaki was reportedly pivotal in his radicalization, illustrating how mosques like these are not passive places of worship but appear to be active centers for those adhering to Islam’s call for jihad.

In addition to Dar al-Hijrah, Hasan also attended the Silver Spring mosque near his residence and work, where the former imam, Faizul Khan, described him as a reserved individual who discussed religious matters. He also frequented the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen near Fort Hood in 2009. It seems that the more devout Hasan became, the more dangerous he was to non-Muslims, further highlighting how his exposure to various Islamic teachings and centers contributed to his transformation into a jihadist.

In Oklahoma, Alton Nolen—a convert to Islam who beheaded a coworker in 2014—appeared to become more devout while attending the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City. His violent attack did not seem random but rather aligned with the teachings he absorbed. Nolen’s case is one of many where increased religious devotion appears to correlate with a growing threat.

Perhaps the most chilling example is the 9/11 hijackers. Several of the terrorists who carried out the deadliest attack on American soil attended mosques during their time in the United States. Hani Hanjour and other jihadis attended mosques in Phoenix and Falls Church, where they were immersed in Islamic teachings. These mosques, far from being benign places of prayer as many Westerners believe, were incubators for the jihadist mindset that led to the slaughter of nearly 3,000 Americans.

In Boston, the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) has been linked to multiple terrorists, including the Tsarnaev brothers, who carried out the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. The ISB was founded by Abdurahman Alamoudi, a convicted terrorist, and has long been associated with the teachings that call for jihad. The Tsarnaevs became devout Muslims within this mosque, further demonstrating that mosques in the West are serving as potential launching pads for acts of jihad.

In New York City, the Al-Farooq Mosque, also known as the Al-Kifah Refugee Center, was a breeding ground for terror plots, including the infamous Landmarks Plot in 1993, which targeted key New York landmarks like the United Nations headquarters and the George Washington Bridge. This mosque, deeply tied to jihadist figures such as the ‘Blind Sheikh’ Omar Abdel-Rahman—convicted for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing—served as a hub for radicalization and recruitment. Under the guise of religious and refugee services, the mosque facilitated fundraising for mujahideen fighters during the Afghan-Soviet war and later became a focal point for homegrown jihadist activities in the U.S. While law enforcement agencies eventually thwarted these plots, including the Landmarks Plot, the mosque’s role in inspiring violence was undeniable, further reinforcing the dangerous dual nature of these religious centers in the West.

The violent actions of these Muslims are not deviations from their religious teachings but rather extensions of them. For instance, the Hadith (Sahih Muslim 4294) explicitly states that Muslims are commanded to fight against people until they accept Islam. At the same time, another Hadith (Sahih al-Bukhari 6924) calls for the killing of anyone who leaves the religion. These texts are frequently referenced in sermons by imams, making it clear that these mosques are not being hijacked but are instead faithfully promoting the foundational tenets of Islam.

In Minneapolis, several young Somali-American men became more devout through local mosques, including the controversial Dar al-Farooq Islamic Center, which has been linked to multiple individuals who later joined ISIS and Al-Shabaab. This mosque, along with others in the area, was reportedly instrumental in indoctrinating young Muslims into becoming jihadists.

In Orlando, Omar Mateen, the terrorist responsible for the Pulse nightclub shooting, regularly attended the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce. His increasing religiosity, shaped in part by the environment he was exposed to at the mosque, ultimately led him to carry out the attack, killing 49 people in what was the worst mass shooting in U.S. history at the time.

The Paris and Brussels terrorists—responsible for the 2015 Paris attacks and the 2016 Brussels bombings—became more devoutly religious in key mosques throughout Belgium and France. Al Khalil Mosque and As-Sunnah Mosque in the Molenbeek district of Brussels, known for their adherence to Salafist ideologies, played a significant role in shaping the religious commitment of attackers like Salah Abdeslam and Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the mastermind behind the Paris attacks. The Grande Mosquée de Bruxelles, another prominent mosque tied to Saudi funding, has also been under scrutiny for promoting religiously devout interpretations of Islam that align with the actions of these attackers.

Anjem Choudary and Finsbury Park Mosque in the UK provide another example of mosques that have produced dangerous jihadists. Anjem Choudary, one of the UK’s most infamous Muslim preachers, is linked to numerous terror plots, including those of the 7/7 London bombers and shoe bomber Richard Reid, who became more devout through sermons at Finsbury Park Mosque. These mosques, much like their counterparts across the West, serve as incubators for jihadist violence.

In France, the Ennassim Mosque in Saint-Denis was frequented by members of the Paris attack cell, while the Drancy Mosque in the Paris suburbs has faced accusations of promoting strict religious Islamic teachings. These mosques were not simply places of peaceful worship but were instrumental in reinforcing the devout adherence to Islamic doctrines that ultimately led to violent actions. Their deeper commitment to Islamic teachings, as promoted in these mosques, drove their followers to commit acts of jihad, demonstrating that when Islam is practiced in its most faithful form, as these mosques encouraged, it inherently embraces violence. Salah Abdeslam and other terrorists were regular attendees at these mosques, showing that the threat extends beyond isolated individuals and deep into the structure of these religious institutions.

Global Examples of Islamic Adherence Beyond the West

This issue is not limited to the West. Around the world, mosques in the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia also serve as centers for jihadist indoctrination and violence, illustrating that the function of these mosques is consistent wherever Islam is practiced according to its core teachings.

In Israel and the Palestinian territories, mosques affiliated with Hamas have long been instrumental in inciting violence against Israelis. These mosques do not simply provide a space for prayer; they are active centers for planning attacks and promoting the message of jihad. Terrorists responsible for the murder of Israelis are often indoctrinated in these mosques, proving that their function aligns with the broader Islamic goal of spreading Islam through force.

In India, mosques linked to the Indian Mujahideen, a homegrown terror group responsible for numerous bombings, are also functioning as centers for jihad. In states like Kerala, these mosques recruit and prepare individuals to take up arms against the Indian state, showing that this problem transcends borders.

In Indonesia, mosques associated with Jemaah Islamiyah, responsible for the deadly 2002 Bali bombings, actively preach the doctrines of jihad. In places like Aceh and Jakarta, these mosques indoctrinate followers into committing acts of terror, fulfilling their role as centers for expanding Islam through violence.

In Pakistan, the infamous Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in Islamabad has long been a breeding ground for militants loyal to the Taliban and other jihadist groups. This mosque has been a hub for producing fighters who are fully committed to waging jihad, further reinforcing the fact that these mosques operate in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Even in Australia, Abdul Numan Haider, who attempted to stab police officers, was connected to the Al-Furqan Islamic Centre, which has played a similar role in shaping devout followers. The Hume Islamic Youth Centre has also been associated with other Muslims accused of plotting terrorist attacks, including those involved in a foiled Christmas Day terror plot. Like many others, this mosque guides followers toward violent jihad.

Foreign Influence: A Global Strategy to Islamize the West

The increasing adherence to Islamic teachings in these mosques is not limited to individual acts of violence; it is part of a larger, coordinated strategy by foreign powers to spread Islam throughout the West. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been particularly effective in using mosques as tools of political and religious influence. Through organizations like the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), Erdoğan’s government controls hundreds of mosques across Europe, especially in Germany. These mosques serve as extensions of his Islamic agenda, indoctrinating Turkish communities abroad with a loyalty not to their host countries but to Turkey and to Islam.

In this RAIR exclusively translated video, Erdoğan makes clear that Turkish-controlled mosques in foreign countries are military outposts for his loyal soldiers:

In the United States, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have poured millions of dollars into building mosques to expand Islam and further their ambitions of domination. These mosques are not just places of worship but are deeply embedded in networks of Islamic organizations that aim to subvert Western values and replace them with Islamic ones. Qatar, in particular, has funded mosques tied to organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, using its wealth to spread Islamic teachings in American cities and across Europe.

These mosques, funded by foreign regimes, are not simply providing a space for Muslims to pray. They are active agents of Islamization, preaching an anti-Western, anti-integration message to their adherents. The end goal of these efforts is not simply to coexist with Western societies but to eventually transform them into Islamic states. This is a process known as “civilizational jihad”—a slow, deliberate takeover of Western institutions, culture, and laws through demographic change, political influence, and religious indoctrination.

The Reality: Mosques as Centers of Jihad

The evidence is overwhelming. From Fort Hood to San Bernardino, from the Boston Marathon bombing to 9/11, mosques in the West have played a central role in producing devout Muslims who carry out jihad. These mosques, far from being isolated or misunderstood, are the active centers of a movement that seeks to destroy the West from within.

The West must confront this reality: Islamic mosques, when faithfully adhering to Islamic doctrine, are not just places of prayer—they are command centers for jihad. Reforming or moderating these mosques is not an option because doing so would be considered blasphemy under Islamic law, a crime punishable by death. Therefore, the mosques themselves are not being exploited; they are functioning exactly as intended according to the teachings of Islam.

Foreign governments like Turkey and Qatar are fully aware of this, which is why they continue to fund and build mosques across Western nations. These mosques serve as beachheads in their long-term strategy to Islamize the West, turning Western societies into Islamic ones, step by step. The increasing number of jihadists who have emerged from Western mosques is not a coincidence—it is the direct result of these mosques faithfully promoting Islam.

Conclusion: Mosques Do Not Belong in the West

The time has come for the West to recognize that mosques adhering faithfully to the Quran, Hadith, and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad are fundamentally incompatible with Western values. They are not just centers of worship; they are active outposts for the spread of Islam’s political ambitions and the eventual imposition of Sharia law. Allowing these mosques to flourish in our societies is a dangerous mistake, one that we cannot afford to continue making.

As we have seen from countless examples, mosques in the West have produced individuals who have gone on to commit horrific acts of violence against Western citizens and institutions. These mosques, often funded and controlled by foreign governments, are actively undermining the very foundations of Western society. If we are serious about preserving our values, freedoms, and way of life, we must confront the uncomfortable truth that Islamic mosques, as they currently exist, are preaching doctrines aimed at subjugating the West, and this cannot be allowed to continue.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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