Muslim Migrant Politician Desecrates Holy Christian Symbols, Exposing Islam’s War on Christianity While Europe Bows in Surrender (Video)

A Muslim Green Party politician, Sanija Ameti, exposed the deep-rooted Islamic disdain for Christianity by shooting an image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, symbolizing the escalating war on Christian values in Europe.

In yet another Islamic attack on Christian symbols, Sanija Ameti, a Muslim Green Party politician and co-president of the left-wing movement Operation Libero, has sparked outrage after posting an Instagram story in which she shot at an image of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. Ameti, a Bosnian Muslim who sought asylum in Switzerland during the 1990s, has risen to prominence in Swiss politics. Still, this act reveals a more disturbing side of her beliefs—one that exemplifies the deep-rooted disdain Islam holds for Christianity.

Ameti’s family fled war-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina, seeking refuge in Switzerland. Now a trained lawyer and councilwoman in the canton of Zurich, Ameti also serves as co-president of Operation Libero, a movement claiming to fight populism and promote an “open and progressive” society. This incident exposes the growing tension between Islamic ideology in concert with leftism and European religious traditions.

The image, which depicted the sacred Madonna and Child, was riddled with bullet holes—a chilling representation of the ideological and spiritual war being waged against Christians in Europe by the very people they offer refuge to. Her casual caption, “Decompress,” accompanying this disgusting act, only highlights the nonchalant attitude she carried while desecrating a symbol so deeply revered by Christians worldwide.

Though Ameti hastily deleted the post following widespread backlash, the damage was done. Her flippant apology—making the extremely unlikely case for ignorance about the religious significance of the image—rings hollow in the face of the clear symbolism at play. Shooting an image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus is not merely an act of negligence; it is an assault on the Christian faith and its followers. This act of aggression fits a disturbing Islamic pattern that cannot be ignored.

The True Face of Islamic “Respect” for Jesus

Muslims often claim to “respect” Jesus, but this act lays bare the deception behind such statements. The Jesus of Islam is not the same as the Jesus of Christianity. While Christians revere Jesus as the Son of God, Islam reduces Him to a mere prophet whose primary role is to refute Christian beliefs and affirm Muhammad’s self-proclaimed prophethood. This dilution and transformation of Jesus’ significance is nothing more than a calculated effort to undermine Christian theology while creating a false sense of commonality between the two faiths.

The Quran denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus—events central to Christian belief. Instead, Islamic texts claim that Jesus was not crucified but taken to heaven, where he awaits a return not to save but to destroy the cross and all religions except Islam. This is no subtle theological disagreement—it is a direct attack on the foundations of Christianity.

Islam’s Hostility Toward Christianity: A Pattern of Aggression

Ameti’s actions are not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of Islamic hostility toward Christianity. From the Quran’s blatant disregard for Christian doctrine to the ongoing persecution of Christians in Muslim-majority countries, Islam’s animosity toward Christianity is evident. Quranic verses openly label Christians as “disbelievers” and “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6), encouraging Muslims to subjugate them (Qur’an 9:29).

This ideological divide, rooted in Islamic doctrine, manifests itself in acts like Ameti’s—a demonstration of Islam’s underlying contempt for Christian symbols, beliefs, and values. The shooting of an image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus is not just an offensive act; it is a symbolic attack on the very heart of the Christian faith.

The Assault on Christianity in Europe

The fact that Sanija Ameti, a Muslim woman who found refuge in Switzerland, could rise to political power while harboring such disdain for Christian symbols should be a wake-up call. Europe’s Christian heritage is under attack, not only from radical Islamists but from those within its own political systems who downplay or excuse these blasphemous acts. Ameti’s actions have opened a window into the growing trend of Islam’s influence within left-wing movements that often ignore or even justify such aggression toward Christianity.

Her resignation from her political position may temporarily quell the public outrage, but the deeper issue remains. This incident is emblematic of the larger ideological conflict playing out across Europe, where Islam is gaining influence and Christianity is being pushed aside. The Green Party’s distancing from Ameti and the apologies from her supporters are too little, too late. The truth is clear: Ameti’s actions reflect the broader disregard for Christianity embedded throughout Islamic teachings.

The Double Standard: International Outcry and Violent Reprisals for Insults Against Islam

If a Christian or any non-Muslim had committed the same act that Sanija Ameti did—shooting at a depiction of Muhammad or any Islamic symbol—the world would be on fire. Throughout Europe and beyond, we’ve witnessed how Muslim communities have reacted violently to perceived insults against Islam. The brutal Charlie Hebdo attack in France stands as a chilling reminder. After the satirical newspaper published cartoons of Muhammad, Muslims responded with an orchestrated massacre that left 12 people dead in Paris. This wasn’t an isolated incident; it is part of a pattern we see repeated globally when Muslims feel their religion has been disrespected.

From Pakistan to Afghanistan, in Saudi Arabia, and across the Islamic world, mere accusations of blasphemy—often without evidence—lead to deadly consequences. People have been executed, lynched, or brutally punished under Islamic law for even the slightest perceived insult against Muhammad. The recent cases in Pakistan, where individuals have been publicly stoned or hanged for blasphemy, paint a grim picture of how rigidly Islamic law is enforced when it comes to protecting their religious icons.

Global Persecution of Christians: The Growing Threat

Around the world, Christians continue to face severe persecution, especially in Islamic-majority countries where laws are strictly enforced to suppress any challenge to Islamic doctrine. From the violent eradication of Christian communities in places like Nigeria and Pakistan to the targeted attacks on Christian symbols in Europe, the trend is clear: Christianity is under siege. Yet, the West remains silent, paralyzed by political correctness and an unwillingness to confront the Islamic aggression festering within its borders.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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