Muslims in Austria Celebrate Massacre of Jews

On the day of the murder of hundreds of Jewish citizens in Israel: Pro-Palestine demonstration also on Mariahilfer Strasse in Vienna.

The Ballhausplatz in Vienna, Austria, is heavily monitored: cameras everywhere, police officers stationed in front of the Chancellor’s office and the Hofburg, and patrol cars circulating. Nevertheless, the police allowed supporters of Palestinians, who are currently killing and kidnapping hundreds of Israelis, to perform joyous dances there.

For anyone following media reports about desperate relatives of kidnapped Israelis, murdered Jewish citizens, and Israeli children abducted by Palestinians and then witnessing images of dancing supporters of terrorists in front of the Chancellor’s office in Vienna, it’s genuinely baffling. Who permits residents of Austria who support Palestinian terrorists to celebrate the shooting and abduction of hundreds of Jewish women, children, seniors, and men?

The editor-in-chief of “Die Presse” commented in a Twitter post that it was “not illegal” for the supporters of terrorists to celebrate loudly and dance here in Vienna. However, many other users on the web are in favor of Austrian authorities putting a stop to these celebrations.

On the day of the murder of hundreds of Jewish citizens in Israel: Pro-Palestine demonstration also on Mariahilfer Strasse in Vienna.

The fact that the authorities are applying double standards has been noted by many citizens, not only during protests against the highly criticized mandatory vaccination law but also in actions against the so-called “climate glue” demonstrators. Even during their activities, the police act extremely gently – there are even reports of them handing out hand creams to the climate activists who were removed from the asphalt.

It is undoubtedly perplexing that there has been no order for the police to intervene against the supporters of terrorists. Moreover, it is evident from the images that Islamic supporters of the Hamas attack are sitting on the monument to deserters.

On Saturday afternoon, as reported by “eXXpress,” pro-Palestinian groups were allowed to demonstrate on Mariahilfer Strasse. In Berlin, too, there were demonstrations by supporters of Palestinians who shouted antisemitic slogans and even attacked the police.

Source: Exxpress

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • They dance like spastic retards. Hahaha. What a sight. All ten of them. Almost as many show up for a bozobiden rally.

  • After the 09/11 false flag attack, the islamos were celebrating too. The women were making that annoying screeching tounge flick noise, and they all were dancing on rooftops. The liar fake media tried to say that was not happening, but videos surfaced so they all had to shut their pieholes.

  • Reports claim celebrations at harvard university. How pathetic is that? Probably will spill over to other marxist indoctrination centers.

  • Another report claims there were celebrations in NY. They celebrate abortions there too, so it’s par for the course.

  • Reports of decapitation of Israeli soldiers have been confirmed. Probably true. Saw a blurred pic. Looks real to me. We always have to be cautious of propaganda videos. They mix lies with truth, but in this case it appears tragically real. Very sick bastards. There will be big punishment. Going to get very ugly again.


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