Must Watch: Vox Blasts Spain's Islamic Infiltration and Its Threat to Cultural Values Ahead of European Parliament Elections

In a startling revelation, recent data shows that Spain has seen a more than 400% increase in illegal immigration through the Canary Islands, with Catalonia reporting that over 50% of its prison population now consists of foreign nationals—figures that highlight the urgent need for Vox’s bold stance against rising Islamization.

Madrid, Spain – Spain’s conservative party, Vox, has released a powerful new campaign video addressing the growing concerns of Islamic supremacist infiltration within the country. With the European Parliament elections approaching on June 9, Vox is making a bold statement against the influence of Islam, particularly its impact on women’s rights and freedoms.

The video, which has already sparked significant attention, features Vox party members and supporters standing resolute, symbolizing their determination to protect Spain’s cultural identity. The narrative emphasizes the party’s stance against threats to the nation’s way of life, highlighting the oppressive ideologies that Islam brings to Spain.

“As Spanish and European women, we want to point out the threat that radical Islamism poses to us, to our rights and freedoms,” the video states, capturing the voice of a female narrator. The message highlights how this extremist political-religious ideology is making inroads in Europe, referencing the situation in countries like France and Belgium, where women face restrictions on their clothing and are banned from certain public spaces reserved for men.

Vox’s video criticizes the silent complicity of those who, under the guise of tolerance, allow fundamentalism to spread unchecked. “Faced with accomplices who remain silenced by do-goodism while fundamentalism expands, in Vox, we are going to fight for our way of life and our freedom,” the female declares. It calls for an immigration policy rooted in border control and the assimilation of immigrants, ensuring that any newcomers embrace the values and way of life that define Spain.

The campaign spot concludes with a rallying cry for voters to choose Vox on June 9, appealing to the protection of freedoms and rights that many generations of women have fought to achieve. “This 9th of June, for us, for our daughters, for the future of Spain and Europe. Vote for Vox.”

Vox has further intensified its campaign with new posters and billboards urging Spaniards to choose between preserving their national identity and the influx of Islamic immigration. Displayed in various cities including Valencia, Murcia, Almería, Granada, and Cádiz, the poster boldly declares, “We are clear about it.”

Santiago Abascal’s party emphasizes the urgent need for citizens to decide between two distinct visions for Europe’s future, particularly in light of the upcoming European Parliament elections. The poster succinctly presents this choice as one between Spaniards and Islamic immigration, encapsulating Vox’s stance on national security and cultural integrity.

A recent survey by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), which involved over 6,195 telephone interviews conducted from December 11 to 15, 2023, underscores the growing public concern about immigration. According to the survey, immigration has emerged as one of the top three issues for 9.6% of the Spanish population.

The concern has only intensified in early 2024. Spain has seen an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration, with more than 20,000 illegal immigrants entering the country in the first four months of the year. Police data consulted by LA GACETA reveals that Spain currently receives three times more illegal immigrants than last year and twice as many as two years ago.

The Canary Islands remain the primary entry point for illegal immigrants, having received over 16,000 so far this year—a staggering increase of more than 400% compared to the previous year’s figures. As a result, Spain has become the European region most affected by illegal immigration.

Catalonia, which has the highest rates of illgeal immigration in Spain, also faces significant social challenges. The region suffers from almost half of the country’s sexual assaults, despite immigrants comprising less than 20% of its population. Additionally, foreign nationals now account for over 50% of the prison population in Catalonia’s prisons, up from 41% in March 2022—a nearly ten-point increase in just over two years.

By emphasizing the major threats posed by Islam, Vox seeks to rally voters ahead of the European Parliament elections on June 9. The party positions itself as a defender of Spain’s cultural identity and national security. Vox’s campaign video and billboards highlight its strong stance on these issues and address the broader concern of preserving European values amidst rising Islamization.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • They will never assimilate. They wish to conquer, rape, and pillage. Cut your losses. Deport all of them!

  • “The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. The result would be a population with an AVERAGE IQ OF 90 that is so dumb to grasp anything but intelligent enough to work. The European countries would NEVER AGAIN BE COMPETITORS in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this “mingling of races”, and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed.”

  • Vox is not a ‘conservative party’, it’s what we call in Spain a ‘far-right’ or ‘ultra’ party. It will probably get around 10% of the Spanish vote in the EU elections this Sunday.
    Despite what the article suggests, Spain is not a racist country.
    Anyway, keep trying…


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