Netherlands: Thierry Baudet, Leader of Anti-Immigration Party, Faces Second Attempted Murder, Just Two Days Before Elections, Following Previous Antifa Assault

In a shocking incident that adds to a series of attacks, Thierry Baudet, leader of the right-leaning Eurosceptic and anti-immigration Dutch party Forum for Democracy (FVD), was once again a victim of violence.

In a shocking incident that adds to a series of attacks, Thierry Baudet, leader of the right-leaning Eurosceptic and anti-immigration Dutch party Forum for Democracy (FVD), was once again a victim of violence. This time, the attack took place in Groningen, Netherlands, with Baudet assaulted in a café, sustaining injuries to his head and eye.

The assault, involving a beer bottle swung at the FVD leader, has sparked widespread condemnation and raised questions about the safety of political figures in the Netherlands. Baudet, targeted for the second time by left-wing radicals within a month after an earlier attack with an umbrella in Ghent, Belgium, is increasingly becoming a focal point for political violence.

Baudet received medical attention from a trauma surgeon in a Groningen hospital, where he is expected to recover. Unfortunately, a security guard accompanying him was also injured during the incident. The police have already apprehended a suspect, heightening concerns about the security measures surrounding prominent political figures.

The incident has evoked strong reactions on social media, with individuals expressing shock and dismay. Columnist Marianne Zwagerman labeled the attackers as ‘doodeng tuig’ (dangerous scum), reflecting the sentiments of many who find such acts reprehensible.

This attack on Baudet is part of a worrying trend of left-wing violence against conservative politicians. In response to the previous attack in Ghent, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte denounced the assault as ‘totally unacceptable.’ The latest incident in Groningen has only intensified concerns about the safety of political leaders and the broader issue of political violence in the country.

On social media platforms, an outpouring of support for Baudet has emerged. Many are condemning the violence and expressing solidarity with the FVD leader. Telegraaf journalist Wierd Duk highlighted the impact of such incidents on public sentiment, noting an increase in support for anti-establishment figures like conservative Geert Wilders.

The political ramifications are evident, with FVD officials demanding an end to the demonization of their party. Martin Bos, the FVD faction leader in Zeeland, emphasized the need to stop the demonization of FVD and pointed fingers at the political establishment, stating, ‘The cartel stood by and watched.’

Notably, individuals affiliated with Antifa expressed support for the attacker outside the police station in Groningen. Such expressions, including references to the assassination of Pim Fortuyn by a left-wing radical, have added a disturbing layer to the incident. PVV politician Kamerlid Harm Beertema criticized the police’s seemingly passive stance, questioning the authorities’ ability to recognize the potential danger posed by such actions.

As the Netherlands grapples with this surge in left-wing political violence, questions loom about the efficacy of current security measures, the responsibility of law enforcement, and the broader societal impact of these attacks on the democratic process. The recurrence of violence against Thierry Baudet raises concerns not only for his safety but also for the robustness of political discourse in the Netherlands.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Doodeng Tuig

    Glad he is ok, and the doodeng tuig has been apprehended. Of course, in America the doodeng tuig politicians and lawyers will give <sIpeople cretins like these a free pass, as they are shock troops and paid to be doodeng tuig by their KM puppetmasters.

  • Doodeng Tuig

    Glad he is ok, and the doodeng tuig has been apprehended. Of course, in America the doodeng tuig politicians and lawyers will give people cretins like these a free pass, as they are shock troops and paid to be doodeng tuig by their KM puppetmasters.

  • It’s going to get wild here if Trump gets to November and appears he’s going to win. Cities need to be ready for it.

    • AW,

      It would be wild AW, but the voter fraud and election fraud has not been resolved. I do not know if a landslide of Trump voters can overcome the illegal alien votes, dead people votes, or fake mail-in ballot votes. It is a huuuge question mark.

      The newsclown lefties are all calling Trump a nazi again, as usual. If we had free and fair elections, then Trump would obviously win.


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