Nonie Darwish: Islam vs. Biblical Values (Video)

In 2016, Nonie Darwish, an Egyptian-American human rights activist and author, delivered a speech that stirred considerable attention by presenting a stark contrast between Islamic and Biblical values. Darwish provided her perspective on the profound differences between these two religious frameworks, emphasizing what she views as the incompatibility of Islamic principles with those of the Bible.

Core Thesis: Fundamental Differences

Darwish began her speech by challenging the commonly held belief that Islam, stripped of terrorism and jihad, would be a benign and harmless religion. She argued that the issues with Islam go much deeper, rooted in its core values and beliefs. This premise sets the foundation for her book, “Wholly Different: Islamic Values vs. Biblical Values.”

Contrasting Views on Sin and Redemption

A significant point of difference highlighted by Darwish is the concept of sin. In Christianity, sin requires confession and repentance for redemption, a practice aimed at self-improvement and spiritual growth. In contrast, Darwish argued that Islam views sin differently, advocating for its concealment rather than confession. This, she claims, leads to a fundamental divergence in how individuals in each religion approach moral and ethical behavior.

Life and Death: Different Paths to Salvation

Another significant contrast Darwish drew was in the approach to life and salvation. She explained that Christianity teaches that Jesus came to save humanity, embodying a message of love and sacrifice. Conversely, she stated that in Islam, followers are expected to die for Allah with martyrdom, and even the act of killing in Allah’s name is seen as virtuous. This perspective shines a light on the dramatic difference in the roles of believers in each faith.

Truth, Free Will, and Self-Transformation

Darwish further expounded on the values of truth and free will. She noted that the Bible promotes the idea that “the truth will set you free,” encouraging personal transformation and self-control. Islam, according to Darwish, obliges lying and slander to protect the faith and prioritizes controlling others over self-regulation. She emphasized that while the Bible seeks to transform individuals, Islam aims to conform them to its teachings.

Public Versus Private Worship

The nature of worship and prayer also featured prominently in Darwish’s speech. She described Biblical prayers as a private and personal matter, contrasting this with Islamic practices that often involve public displays of piety. She suggested that these public prayers serve as a form of intimidation, further illustrating the differing religious experiences.

Vengeance and Warfare

Darwish addressed the concept of vengeance, explaining that while the Bible leaves vengeance to God, Islam prescribes it to Muslims, urging them to act on Allah’s behalf against non-believers. This, she argued, leads to a direct and physical confrontation with those outside the faith, unlike the more ideological battle suggested by the Bible.

Family Values and Gender Dynamics

The role of family and gender dynamics presented another area of contrast. Darwish asserted that while the Bible places a high value on the family unit, Islam prioritizes jihad, even over familial bonds. She claimed that Islamic societies often manipulate gender roles to encourage men to engage in jihad, portraying women as secondary and subservient.

Governance and Feminism

Darwish concluded her speech by discussing governance and feminism. She argued that Islam inherently opposes democracy, favoring a theocratic system based on Sharia law. Additionally, she critiqued the concept of feminism within Islam, explaining that Muslim women who conform to Sharia are rewarded with higher social and political positions, thus perpetuating the system rather than challenging it. Darwish warned that this dynamic makes Muslim women an impediment to reform, as they can become enforcers of Sharia, reporting on and punishing those who do not conform to Islamic law.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


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  • The human mind is a phenomenon. This is where the real wars of modern times take place. The white race is a spiritualized race. This means that its questions never stop, but are always conquering new territory in order to eradicate the blind spots of ignorance.

    The mind is therefore both a map and a conquered territory. People behave in exactly the same way. A questioning of their previous truth causes them to defend with claws and teeth their “territory”, which they have fathomed out so far and considered safe.

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