In a recent segment on his show, Tucker Carlson sparked a firestorm of controversy by delving into the topic of societal taboos and the ever-changing landscape of moral boundaries. The renowned former host at Fox News, now a Twitter broadcaster with over 30 million views per episode, began by exploring the hypothetical scenario of how one could control a country, emphasizing the need to gain complete obedience from those authorized to use deadly force, such as the military and federal law enforcement.
Carlson then shifted his focus to the power of taboos in shaping societies and their behavior. He cited examples of religious taboos, highlighting how they have influenced cultural norms. However, he argued that American society’s taboos are undergoing rapid and deliberate changes, not driven by organic evolution but dictated from above.
The discussion took a controversial turn when Carlson broached the subject of child molestation. Referring to an article in The Wall Street Journal, he exposed how Instagram promoted and connected accounts dedicated to the commission and purchase of underage sexual content. Instagram guides users interested in child pornography toward sellers, some of whom claim to be children themselves. The platform’s weak enforcement and design features that promote content discovery contribute to the problem. Hashtags associated with child exploitation are easily accessible, allowing prospective buyers to find explicit material featuring children. Carlson expressed deep concern over the lack of action by authorities and the seemingly diminished societal condemnation of such heinous acts.
Critiquing law enforcement priorities, Carlson suggested that issues like white supremacy have taken precedence over combating child molestation. He questioned the definition and scope of white supremacy, drawing attention to President Joe Biden’s characterization of it as the most dangerous terrorist threat to the American homeland.
The host further argued that the lack of clear definitions of crimes in contemporary society fosters fear and uncertainty among the public. Carlson illustrated his point by recounting the case of a man who was fired from his job for allegedly making a white power symbol, which the man claimed was merely cracking his knuckles.
Carlson effectively highlights the prevailing phenomenon in the United States where the law appears to be selectively applied to advance leftist narratives, often disregarding factual accuracy while neglecting the urgent need to address real and tangible crime.
Pedomedia are involved in sex crimes. Look how many cases were found at cnn. Every school I ever went to had a pedotard teacher. Usually it was the art, language, or drama departments with the perverts. Now, they want to legalize it. WEF psychopaths are into that stuff and pushing it. Banksters do child sacrifices, and a whistleblower is in the news. Hollyweirdos too. Priests and Gymnastic coaches as well. All out in the news. LGBTQIAP. All are very sick and repugnant! Knock that crap off!
President of Pedophiles = Biden
It’s quite simple really!! One pedophile = One bullet..!! Simple!!
Feed them to the pigs. Works where I come from..!!
Pedolistick bliggeryids carpoculate the skinnoristal whiggertids. But, who am I to say?