Ontario Town and Mayor Punished with Mao-Like Struggle Session for Defying LGBTQ 'Pride' Flag Mandate (Video)

In a chilling echo of Mao’s struggle sessions, a small Ontario town and its mayor have been fined and sentenced to ideological reeducation for refusing to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag, exposing the dangerous erosion of individual rights in favor of enforced collectivism.

A small Ontario town, so tiny it doesn’t even have an actual flagpole, was fined $10,000, and its mayor was personally fined $5,000 for refusing to “honor Pride Month.”

The fines, along with the sentence of attending a reeducation camp eerily reminiscent of Mao’s struggle sessions, came courtesy of the ironically named Human Rights Commissions.

These commissions have become infamous for rendering judgments that, in effect, negate individual human rights in favor of collectivist ones—”collective” as determined, of course, by the commissions themselves. The Human Rights Commissions (HRC) operate in perfect alignment with the state’s ever-shifting definition of the “greater good,” enforcing its diktats with ideological precision.

This is precisely what we see in Emo, Ontario—a remote town 12 hours drive northwest of Ottawa, near the Minnesota border, with a population of just 1,204 as of the 2021 census.

To fully grasp the implications of Mayor Harold McQuaker’s case, it’s worth reviewing some of the HRC’s previous rulings.

In one notorious example, a man who identified as a woman—but had undergone none of the surgeries traditionally associated with transitioning—targeted small businesses owned by immigrants from conservative cultures. These businesses provided intimate shaving services exclusively for women. He requested they shave his pubic area, fully aware they would refuse.

Their refusals, rooted in cultural and personal discomfort, were then made grounds for a suit through the HRCs.

Through the HRCs, the individual sued these businesses and won, costing some owners thousands of dollars and forcing others to shut down entirely.

In fact, Ezra Levant of The Rebel actually wrote an entire book on the seemingly ludicrous judgments of the HRCs.

Only seemingly ludicrous because once it is understood that the purpose of these powerful tribunals is to shift the country to the left, ‘to the collective good’, to attack Canadian values with a beard of social justice, it becomes less ludicrous and more sinister. Evil would not be out of place here as an adjective.

For a deeper understanding of this mechanism, refer to RAIR’s recent interview with Stephen Coughlin.

Mao Zedong employed a similar approach to eradicate what he labeled the “Four Olds”:

  1. Old Customs
  2. Old Culture
  3. Old Habits
  4. Old Ideas

Mao’s tool of choice was the struggle session, targeting anything that predated Marxist philosophy. A chilling example of this can be seen in the Netflix series,The Three-Body Problem, where a Chinese physics professor is denounced by his own wife, beaten, and humiliated before a mob of communist youth.

The ultimate goal is to make objective reality itself unacceptable.

Today, the same mechanism applies: if you refuse to affirm that a man is a woman simply because he says so, you’ll be humiliated, canceled, fined, or sent for ideological reprogramming.

This brings us back to Mayor Harold McQuaker, the mayor of Emo, Ontario. His case extends far beyond mere extortion, as he puts it. Extortion, after all, is a crime within a framework of normalcy.

According to Breitbart:

CBC News reports Borderland Pride tasked Emo with the job of declaring June as Pride Month and ordered municipal authorities to fly an “LGBTQ2 rainbow flag for a week of your choosing” despite the fact they lack an official flagpole.

Borderland Pride also asked Emo to “email us a copy of your proclamation or resolution once adopted and signed.”

The Emo township refused. That rejection sparked a years-long arbitration process in which the tribunal ruled against the township, the National Post reports.

The tribunal ruled Borderland Pride will be awarded $15,000, with $10,000 coming from the township itself and the other $5,000 coming from Emo mayor Harold McQuaker.

McQuaker and Emo’s chief administrative officer were also ordered to complete an online course known as “Human Rights 101” and “provide proof of completion … to Borderland Pride within 30 days as recompense for their disobedience.

The Post report notes the course being undertaken as punishment is offered by the Ontario Human Rights Commission.”

This isn’t merely a case of financial punishment; it’s an enforcement of compliance with a state-manufactured political fiction.

Canada, as it slides ever deeper into a form of Mao-like communism—albeit less overtly violent (for now)—reveals a clear pattern:

At first, if a person dares to take an opposing view to one of the pseudo-realities imposed on the culture—or even questions it—they will face consequences such as debanking, public humiliation, or being removed from their careers.

Stage two: Remaining silent in the face of these narratives will be treated as a sign of rebellion. Silence itself will be used as justification to attack you in various ways. During the Marxist revolutionary riots of 2020, staged under the social justice guise of BLM, posters warning of the dangers of complicity could be seen across downtowns in North America.

More recently, the same tactics have been evident during the ongoing Palestinian-communist demonstrations.

Stage three: Those who fail to actively promote the current narrative—one guaranteed to be destructive to traditional culture—will face punishment in every conceivable way under the current state of the revolution.

And that is precisely what we see unfolding in the tiny, remote town of Emo, Ontario—a place 12 hours northwest of Ottawa, near the Minnesota border, with a total population of just 1,204 people as of the 2021 census.

In Communist Poland, after Stalin’s death, people were required to visibly grieve in the streets. Failure to display sufficient mourning led to severe repercussions. The same remains true in North Korea today.

In Canada, you are now expected to publicly celebrate a biological and political fiction—or face fines, humiliation, and mandatory reeducation.

How you feel is no longer a personal decision.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – George Orwell, 1984.

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad


  • THE TERRORIST AND GENOCIDE CRIMINAL Just-in Through-The-Ass (false name: Trudeau) IS SO HAPPY.

  • There is no way we should be forced to fly these rainbow flags and have the whole LGBTQ nonsense forced on us.
    If people choose alternative lifestyle they should live them privately and not expect the majority to put up with their ridiculous antics and demands.
    Good for the mayor and town, I wish we could do this in my city Mississauga!


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