Open Borders France: Hordes of 'Enrichers' Invade Town With Total Impunity, Threatening Local Residents (Videos)

On November 26, 2023, a disturbing incident unfolded in Romans-sur-Isère, France, as a group of over thirty young individuals (military-aged men), reportedly from the Maghreb region, stormed the city center, instilling fear and intimidation among local residents. Videos shared on social media captured the audacious actions of the perpetrators, revealing their apparent impunity as they moved through the city. Residents, visibly distressed, posted footage showcasing the unexpected invasion.

The incident has raised concerns about the safety and security of the city’s inhabitants. Authorities are now facing scrutiny, with reports indicating a lack of police intervention during the group’s passage through the city. Images posted online depict police vehicles passing by without stopping, prompting residents to question the effectiveness of law enforcement in handling such situations.

The origin of the perpetrators, reportedly from the Maghreb region, adds complexity to the incident, raising questions about community relations and the challenges faced by law enforcement due to France’s left-wing open border policies. This event underscores the need for a thorough investigation and a comprehensive strategy to ensure the safety of all residents in Romans-sur-Isère.

As local authorities have yet to release an official statement on the incident, concerned citizens and community leaders are calling for prompt action to address the root causes of such events and to prevent their recurrence in the future. The incident serves as a stark reminder of how, once again, France’s open border policies are putting locals at risk.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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