Pakistan's Forgotten Atrocity: The Irony of Butchering Thousands of Palestinian Muslims While Claiming to be the 'Defender of Islam'

The gravest massacre of Palestinians, led by Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who later became the ruler of Pakistan, far exceeded any actions by Israel, marking a historical irony in Pakistan’s proclaimed solidarity with Palestine. – Tarek Fatah

The phrase “Black September” will live on in the chronicles and pages of history as a dark and striking reminder of a turbulent period that shook the Middle East’s geopolitical theatre. This set of events, which occurred in 1970–71, witnessed a great deal of political turmoil, armed confrontations, and international engagement and participation of multiple countries actively shaping Middle East politics.

Black September was a month-long conflict between the Jordanian monarchy and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) that had established a state within a state in Jordan. The PLO launched attacks from Jordanian soil against Israel, hence provoking Israeli retaliation. This threatened the sovereignty of Jordan. King Hussein of Jordan decided to take action against the Palestinian Liberation Organization and declared martial law on September 15, 1970.

The future president and military dictator of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, was one of the significant key figures during Black September. This article explores the critical role that Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq and the Pakistan Army played in this chapter of history, which helped the Jordanians massacre thousands of Palestinians. It sheds light on the outright hypocrisy of Pakistan as it has marketed its brand positioning as the “champion and protector of Islam worldwide.” We also look briefly at specific conditions that led to Black September, sometimes called the “era of regrettable events.”

The Genesis of Black September: A Prelude to Conflict

The political climate in Jordan during the early 1970s created the conditions necessary for Black September. Frequent tensions arose between the reigning Hashemite dynasty and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), led by Yasser Arafat, as the PLO gained significant clout, power, and influence. King Hussein of Jordan found himself at conflict with the Palestinian factions operating inside his borders as the PLO made its presence known.

The Palestinians launched rockets at an Israeli town on June 3, and on that day, Israel carried out an air attack on Irbid in Jordan, which was a Palestinian stronghold. The Jordanian army joined and carried out shelling of Tiberias, a city on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. King Hussein escaped an attempt on his life on June 9, 1970, when his motorcade was attacked near Suweilih, west of Amman.

Another assassination attempt on King Hussein was made on September 1, 1970. The PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) was the perpetrator. While still at it, Iraq announced that it would support the Palestinians as hostilities commenced with Jordanian forces. Later on, the PFLP took an extreme step by hijacking four commercial planes heading to New York. It evacuated the aircraft and then blew them up in front of cameras. The Palestinians then took over the city of Irbid, which was in Jordan, on September 15, 1970.

Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s Entry: Pakistan’s Strategic Move in the Middle East Chessboard

Tensions in Jordan were escalating, leading the situation to descend into pandemonium. Internally, the Jordanian government experienced instability. The prevailing scenario was becoming increasingly explosive to control. Jordan then turned to its regional allies for assistance and support. This ultimately led to the entry of Islamic Pakistan into the equation. Jordanians called in Zia-ul-Haq, who assumed leadership at the frontline of the military campaigns. At that point in time, Zia held the rank of Brigadier General. He was responsible for a contingent of Pakistani military forces supporting King Hussein’s government.

On September 15, 1970, King Hussein finally declared martial law. Jordanian army tanks attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman, and army troops raided camps in Irbid, Salt, Swеilеh, Baq’aa, Wеhdat, and Zarqa the very next day. Then Zia-ul-Haq’s 2nd Division joined the action. With the aid of the Muslim Pakistani soldiers, the Jordanian army launched a vicious assault on the Palestinians. The anti-Palestinian action was also supported by the Iraqi military, which had been stationed in Jordan since 1967.

The entry of Zia-ul-Haq and Pakistan was not accidental. It was a carefully well-thought-out and strategic move. It should be noted that Zia-ul-Haq did not merely engage in a military intervention during Black September. It was one of the long-term moves by Pakistan on the chessboard of the Middle East. An action that firmly established its place as a military ally in the Arab and Muslim world.

The political dynamics of the region were undergoing considerable changes, and Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq saw this as an opportune moment to seize the initiative and forge closer relationships with Saudi Arabia and the Islamic nations. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was based in Jordan from 1967 to 1970. As a Brigadier, he enjoyed privileges in Jordan and helped train and organize forces, which proved crucial for King Hussein to remain in power.

Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s Role as the “Butcher of Palestine”

It should be remembered that Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was primarily the one who brutally crushed the Palestinian resistance. His Division of Pakistani soldiers killed thousands of their fellow Muslim Palestinians during the operation. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq also urged King Hussein to disregard the international human rights bodies. He also discouraged King Hussein from engaging in Arab mediation attempts to end the war. Thousands of his Palestinian Muslims died helplessly in front of him, but Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq willingly did not stop the slaughter. He let the massacres continue unabated. Black September’s watershed moment was called the Battle of Amman. The Pakistani army led by Zia was ruthless in dealing with the Palestinian factions and putting them down. Both sides fought fiercely. Relentless combat on both sides to gain the upper hand resulted in intense street fighting and urban warfare.

International communities began to circulate news and discussions about Pakistan’s involvement in the Black September massacre. It stirred great interest worldwide as reporters closely covered the event. It placed Zia-ul-Haq in a delicate diplomatic situation. The General had to maneuver the waters of international power politics carefully. Cunningly, Zia demonstrated his shrewdness in achieving the right balance of regional coalitions and international diplomacy that would define his presidency in Pakistan in the future. The events of Black September would have significant implications for Zia’s career. They also defined the trajectory of Pakistan’s foreign policy. Firstly, it cemented Zia-ul-Haq’s place within the military hierarchy. Secondly, it prepared the way for his eventual rise to power. The alliances formed during this war were of vital importance to Islamic Pakistan. They would later shape Pakistan’s involvement in subsequent regional conflicts and influence its political and military strategies. The entire saga of Zia-ul-Haq’s role in Black September is stained with the blood of thousands of Muslim civilians, and thus, many have rightfully called him the ‘Butcher of Palestinians.”

Thousands of casualties in the brutal massacre of Palestinians carried out by Pakistani Muslim troops.

Different independent sources estimate the figures differently, but the consensus is that Palestinian casualties ran into thousands. In particular, the battle for Amman City involved heavy engagement within the streets. This resulted in a large number of casualties. Civilians were caught in violent clashes between Jordanian soldiers backed by Pakistan and Palestinian militias.

As collaborators in the massacre of fellow Muslims, Zia Ul Haq’s notorious 2nd Division went on a killing spree and cleansed out thousands of civilians. Zia’s soldiers for hire from Pakistan played a significant role in street-to-street urban combat and engaged themselves recklessly, sparing no woman, child, or man in this massacre. According to Moshe Dayan, an Israeli general and one of the founders of the state of Israel, with the assistance of Pak Brigadier Zia-ul-Haq, the Jordan King “killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in the past twenty years.” The late PLO leader Yasser Arafat said from 15,000 to 25,000 Palestinians were murdered. These figures are also backed by open sources such as ThoughtCo, which mention the casualties to be as high as 15,000 Palestinian militants and civilians.

According to veteran Pakistani journalist Shaikh Aziz, who worked at the daily Dawn, “The estimated number of Palestinians killed in this action is believed to be anywhere from 2,000 to 25,000.”

Honored and rewarded by Jordan for slaughtering fellow Muslims

After the end of the bloody episode, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was awarded the Jordanian Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali, the highest honor of Jordan, by King Hussein for his service, as a token of appreciation for his role in Black September. King Hussein praised him as a “brother and friend” and a “man of faith and wisdom.”He was promoted to Major General in 1971 and became the Chief of General Staff of the Pakistan Army in 1973. He gained the trust and confidence of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, who supported him financially and politically during his later rule in Pakistan.

Given that this was a period more than five decades ago, there were many unconfirmed reports that Zia-ul-Haq was also given a big plot of land in Jordan by King Hussein, which he later sold for a hefty sum. 

An opportunistic posture: Unveiling Pakistan’s hypocrisy in the garb of fake Palestinian solidarity

Pakistan, a staunch and steadfast supporter of the Palestinian cause, has made of this opportunity to present itself as the front-line defender of the Islamic world. As a long-time, harsh critic of Israel, with no diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv, Pakistan equated Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel with conducting genocide against the innocent civilians and people of Palestine.

After October 7, 2023, Pakistan’s social media was flooded with expressions of outrage, solidarity, and condemnation of Israel and its armed forces for their alleged atrocities against Palestine. Pakistan has been a vocal ally of the Palestinian cause since its birth in 1947. It saw its people take to the streets and the internet to show their support and demand justice for the Palestinians—radical Islamic organized countless protests, rallies, and campaigns to voice their sympathy and anger. On October 17, Pakistan Army Chief General Sayad Asim Munir extended diplomatic, moral, and political support of the Pakistani Nation to the Palestinians.

Million of X users from Pakistan changed their profile pictures to the Palestinian flag or images of Hamas terrorists para gliding themselves into the Israeli attack. Social media influencers in Pakistan left no leaf unturned to condemn the “barbaric and inhuman” attack by Israel. They urged international bodies to raise the issue at the United Nations and other forums. Aggressive anti-Israel Muslim rhetoric was widely shared and praised all over Pakistani social media. As usual, the Muslim clerics in Pakistan had a field day participating in speeches oozing with Jew-hatred and calling for their leaders to use Pakistan’s nuclear missiles against Israel.

Several Pakistani celebrities and influencers raised their voices in support of the Palestinians trapped in Gaza amid the escalating conflict in the region. Among them were actors Mahira Khan, Armeena Khan, and singer Arooj Aftab. Mahira Khan, who rose to fame with Humsafar, shared regular updates on X, at least four a day, about the situation in Palestine. 

Pakistani celebrities, singers, and TV actors are well known to have connections and ties with the ISI, Pakistan’s intelligence agency. The ISI, the so-called autonomous political and military force, has procured nuclear technology and delivery capabilities and has had strong affiliations with the Taliban and other militant Islamic groups. Hence, it is not surprising that Pakistani celebrities have always doubled up and provided “intellectual covering fire” to Islamic supremacists worldwide through social media posts that have a large viewership. These Muslim celebrities, who are PR agents for terrorists, often downplay acts of Islamic violence and terror on social media. Many are also paid heftily by covert means by Muslim entities. This is an essential component of the Islamic leftist ecosystem and cartel worldwide that has been waging information warfare for years now on social media platforms.

Several Pakistani celebrities, such as director Sarmad Khoosat, actors Yumna Zaidi and Adnan Malik, and singers like Hasan Raheem and Asim Azhar, have tweeted in support of Palestine. A significant number of famous Pakistani cricketers went to social media on October 18, 2023, and many noted Pakistani cricketers, including Haris Rauf, Shadab Khan, and Mohammad Nawaz, shared a photo of the Palestinian flag with fist emoji on their Twitter account. To the majority of Pakistani Muslims, this act represented solidarity and defiance against Israel’s perceived occupation and oppression.

On October 19, 2023, the Pakistan cricket team won the match against Sri Lanka in the ICC Cricket World 2023. Muhammad Rizwan, the batsman of the Pakistan team, dedicated his century in the match to the “brothers and sisters in Gaza.” He made a tweet that said,” Alhamdulillah for the win and the century. This one is for my brothers and sisters in Gaza. You are not alone. #FreePalestine #GazaUnderAttack,” which got millions of views. His tweet received mixed reactions from the fans, some of whom praised him for his pro-Palestine stance, while others criticized Muhammad Rizwan for politicizing the game of cricket.

Caretaker Foreign Minister of Pakistan Jalil Abbas Jilani issued a statement accusing Israel of committing undeniable aggression and human rights violations. He further went on to say that the relentless airstrikes carried out by Israel tragically resulted in the loss of numerous innocent Palestinian lives, including men, women, and children. Pakistan’s current interim Prime Minister, Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, attempted to lend intellectual justification for the terror attack. He characterized the ongoing violence by describing it as a conflict between the oppressor and the oppressed. Pakistan is known for its strong condemnation of Israel and its non-recognition of the legitimacy of the country. The nation has consistently voiced its support for the Palestinian cause to gain and curry favor various political and financial concessions from the Muslim ummah.

All the above instances reflect Pakistan’s Muslim solidarity and support for Palestine (and Hamas) post-October 7, 2023; Pakistan has consistently refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate country and has always maintained solid relations with Palestine. The recent terror attacks, followed by religious hate speeches across Pakistan towards the Jews, have seemingly strengthened the ties between the two Islamic nations. It is also worth noting that the Islamic terror state Pakistan has been training the terrorists and fighters of Hamas for decades.

However, despite professing solidarity with Palestine in the present day and the hype in Pakistani social media, Pakistan’s current stance is nothing but shameless and blatant self-serving hypocrisy. One that belies its own bloody past of slaughtering thousands of Palestinians in 1970. The Muslims in Pakistan conveniently skip over the fact that their own Army, which also claims to be Mujahideen or soldiers fighting for Allah, assisted Jordan in brutally suppressing the Palestinian resistance in the fierce confrontation. Pakistan’s role in the Black September operation and slaughter of Palestinian Muslims exposes its shallow double standards and opportunism in the Middle East.

The South Asian Islamic terror state of Pakistan has yet again come out in support of its brothers and sisters in Palestine. But it has yet again exposed its hypocrisy, and the world has not forgotten how a Pakistani Muslim Brigadier slaughtered Palestinians in Jordan just fifty years ago. The memory of Zia ul Haq, who presented himself to be a devout and pious Sunni Muslim, going on a rampage, killing thousands of non-combatants in 1970, is still etched in the memory of Palestinians themselves.

And in 2023, whenever the leadership of the radical Islamic state Pakistan shows its sham Palestinian love, the dark and violent legacy of ‘Black September’ crops up to hound them like a blast from the past.

How can Pakistan claim to be the sword arm and champion of the Muslim Ummah when its own Islamic army has the blood of thousands of Muslims on its hands? 

It is beyond comprehension that Pakistan blows its trumpets and horns to be the global defender of the Muslim cause when it was complicit in the slaughter of thousands of Muslims just decades earlier.

Unfortunately, Pakistani Muslims (and to some extent Muslims from India) today on social media and across the world seem to suffer from an acute case of Alzheimer’s disease and loss of memory. They continue to shamelessly proclaim Islamic solidarity with Palestinians while idolizing and hero-worshipping a military general, ironically with the first name Muhammed, who massacred thousands of fellow Muslims not too long ago.

Sources and addition information:

  1. Hussein Escapes Another Attempt at Assassination” – The New York Times
  2. Dawson’s Field Hijackings” – Homeland Security Digital Library
  3. A Leaf from History: Enter Zia-ul-Haq” – Dawn
  4. Israel-Hamas Gaza War: How Pakistan Army, Zia-ul-Haq Helped Jordan’s King Hussein Massacre Thousands of Palestinians” – India Today
  5. Black September | political organization, Palestine” – Britannica
  6. Black September: Jordanian-PLO Civil War” – ThoughtCo
  7. Black September: When Pakistani Army Killed 25,000 Palestinians” – Sanskriti Magazine
  8. Pakistan’s Role in Black September and General Zia-ul-Haq’s 1970 Massacre” – EduIonic
  9. When Pakistani Dictator Zia-ul-Haq Helped Jordan in Killing 3,000 Palestinians” – News18
  10. Palestine: Black September, 50 Years On” – The Wire
  11. The Forgotten Legacy of Black September, 50 Years On” – The Express Tribune
  12. From Haris Rauf to Shadab Khan: Pakistan Cricketers Express Full Support by Putting Palestine Flag Pic on X” – The Free Press Journal
  13. Pakistan Cricket Team Stands Strong in Support of Palestine Despite Backlash” – CricToday
  14. Jordanian Army and Guerrillas Battle in Amman: Mortar and Artillery Fire Rocks Capital as Hussein’s Forces Attack Leftist Bases” – The New York Times
  15. Pakistan’s Military Expresses Unequivocal Diplomatic, Moral Support to Palestinians” – Anadolu Agency
  16. Mahira Khan to Sarmad Khoosat: Pakistani Stars Turn into Fact-Checkers, Fundraisers for Gaza” – ThePrint
  17. Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani Equates Israel’s Airstrikes in Gaza to Genocide at Press Conference in Islamabad” – Dawn
  18. Exposed: The Hidden Hand of Pakistan in Training Hamas for the October 7th Slaughter of Israeli Citizens” – RAIR Foundation
  19. Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali Recipients” – Wikipedia

Samuel Spencer


  • Muslims consider Palestinians as dogs and as pawns in their crusade to subjugate the world. Right now, it is convenient for Muslims to cry out and support their ‘brother Palestinians’. Next year, it may inconvenient to do so and the Palestinians will be tossed aside like a used handkerchief.

  • What’s the point on this article? Let Muslims have their civil wars.

    As for Tarek. He lines his pockets off of $elling false hope and should not be promoted at all. So called moderate Muslims are not going to save the West from Islam.


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