'Playing With Fire': Islamic Leaders Threaten West at UN Over Quran Burnings, Part of Ongoing Efforts to Implement Blasphemy Laws (Video)

While Islamic leaders’ outrage over Quran burnings at the UN may appear isolated, it is rooted in a broader initiative by the OIC to implement blasphemy laws worldwide.

United Nations – In a series of impassioned speeches at the United Nations General Assembly, Muslim leaders representing various nations came together to strongly condemn recent incidents involving the desecration and burning of the Quran, the sacred yet highly controversial central doctrine of Islam. While their outrage may seem isolated and sporadic, it is part of an ongoing initiative by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to implement blasphemy laws worldwide and promote Islamic law, or Sharia, which would supersede national laws.

Quran Burnings in Sweden

The backdrop of these condemnations was the series of Quran burnings in Sweden, organized by an Iraqi refugee named Salwan Momika. These incidents have ignited protests within Sweden and the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, Momika’s country of origin. The Swedish government, while voicing condemnation, has cited its inability to intervene in such acts due to legal protections of free expression.

Leaders’ Strong Condemnations

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a vocal critic of Sweden for allegedly supporting Kurdish activists viewed as terrorists by Turkey, delivered a stern rebuke. Erdogan described the Quran burnings as a “plague” of “racism” and so-called “Islamophobia” sweeping across Western nations. He placed blame on populist politicians for fostering such dangerous trends and threatened that permitting attacks on the Quran under the guise of freedom of expression would have dire consequences for Europe’s future.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, representing the Shiite theocratic state of Iran, held up a Quran during his UN address and asserted that the Quran’s sacred message would remain impervious to disrespect. He accused Western countries of using freedom of speech as a tool to divert attention from deeper issues and criticized them for “Islamophobia” and cultural discrimination. Raisi specifically mentioned France’s ban on abayas in schools and the violent crackdown on women-led protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman detained for violations of mandatory hijab rules.

Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, urged fellow Muslims not to be provoked by individuals attempting to desecrate the Quran. He emphasized the Quran’s sanctity and the need for Muslims to preserve its reverence, even in the face of provocations.

The Attack on Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is a sacred right that is facing an insidious attack from those who seek to impose their ideologies on the world. In the West, citizens who dare to criticize Islam openly are mercilessly targeted, living in constant fear for their lives, losing their careers, and being forced into hiding.

The left and Islam share a sinister goal – to force the world into submission to their ideology, using either brute force or coercive tactics. Leftist activists, politicians, and organizations are complicit in this jihad against free speech by using the term “Islamophobia” as a tool to silence any criticism of Islam. This is akin to the Islamic concept of blasphemy and is creeping into Western law.

Ongoing Initiative to Criminalize Speech

The OIC, an influential bloc of 57 Muslim countries headquartered in Saudi Arabia and funded by Islamic nations worldwide, seeks to implement blasphemy laws across the world. This organization is the second-largest intergovernmental organization globally, with a collective population exceeding 1.8 billion.

Efforts to Criminalize Speech

The OIC has actively pressured Europe and the United States via the United Nations to pass laws that would ban “negative stereotyping of Islam.” Their ultimate goal is to criminalize speech that criticizes or negatively comments on the Islamic religion. This endeavor has found support within the European Union and the United States Democratic Party, with both entities working closely with the OIC and the United Nations to combat what they term “Islamophobia.”

The term “hate speech” is the Marxist equivalent of Islamic blasphemy laws designed to stifle dissenting expression and crush any attempt to defend or promote Western culture, values, and identity. The left’s attempts to enact special legislation to protect Islam in Western and secular nations is a direct assault on the principles of equality and freedom that underpin a just society.

Challenges to Equal Rights

Questions arise about whether “Democratic” countries should afford special rights to one group over others. Islam, in particular, has little tolerance for other religions or lack of religion, and granting special rights to any group would undermine societies based on equal rights.

A Clash of Values

Islamic law (Sharia) and Marxist thought are incompatible with Western culture and designed to be destructive forces against Judeo-Christian values historically associated with the West. Muslim countries’ protests in response to Quran burnings and other perceived insults are viewed as part of an orchestrated plan to dismantle free expression and promote Islamic law.

In summary, while Islamic leaders’ outrage over Quran burnings at the UN may appear isolated, it is rooted in a broader initiative by the OIC to implement blasphemy laws worldwide. The debate surrounding “Islamophobia” and “hate speech” raises critical questions about freedom of expression and equal rights in Western societies. These efforts pose challenges to Western values and culture, with a potential clash between the values of the free world and the goals of those seeking to promote Sharia and Islamic law.

The survival of Western culture depends on recognizing that Islamic Law (Sharia) and Marxist ideology are fundamentally incompatible with, and in fact created and designed to destroy the Judeo-Christian values that have been the foundation of the West for millennia. Failure to do so will ultimately lead to the demise of Western civilization. We must stand firm and united against these oppressive forces, defend the freedom of expression, and protect the values that have made the West a shining beacon of hope and progress for people worldwide. We must not allow Islam or any other ideology to trample on our rights and freedoms, for that is the path to tyranny and oppression.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Shun and avoid them all. They are evil demonseeds. Don’t spend money with them either! They belong in their own countries, and not in Western countries. The social engineering experiment has failed. Dieversity is bullsh*t!

  • The other day I had a “discussion” with a rabid born again “Christian”.
    No historical knowlegde at all, only a firm believe that she is right and I’m wrong about History.
    She even refused to acknowledge the extreme contradictions in the “new Testament” between the different gospels that had been written decades after the crucifiction, and declared that all the other Gospels that hadn’t been included – for political reasons at Nicea – were false Gospels.
    I somehow doubt she ever bothered to really read the Bible in its entirety or even historical accounts from that time by people who lived through them – before she was “born again” with a critical mind? I seriously doubt it.
    How can anyone argue with someone like that?
    To me, all ideologies – and it doesn’t matter if some are called a Religion – have one thing in common and that is Power over each and every aspect of Life and the people they want to enslave.
    Their followers believe all that their “Religion” holds the ultimate truth and each every person that questions that truth is an enemy that MUST be destroyed.
    Some are simply more vocal and militant about it than others.
    To me personally, all of these Ideologies are EVIL.
    And by that I don’t mean that Evil is some eternal essence on its own account, but merely a craft – a practice, a tool – designed like many others, by men, to advance their power over others.

    • Sadly, you are mistaken. John 14:6 applies; you either believe this truth or you face an angry God at your final judgment. Study your Bible (2Timothy2:15) to realize truth.

      • With that statement you just proved to me what I said about blind obedience to an ideology/religion.

        Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an atheist, but I’m not someone that follows blindly anthing written by man, for controlling people, as the TRUTH.

  • Notice how redchina deals with these imbeciles. They put them in work camps, and isolate them from society. There is no dieversity in redchina. Deport and sell all of the shariahaha islamos over there. Subversion should not be tolerated. We used to have a committee for unAmerican activities. Canada and America should establish that type of organization again. People may disagree, but a subversive parallel society is worse.

  • CEASE playing footsie with these Muslims. Execute a few Muslim terrorists publicly in pigs guts and blood and Muslim terrorism will disappear. US General Pershing proved that fact in 1911.

  • “Jamaica declares Dengue fever outbreak with hundreds of confirmed and suspected cases
    Health officials say at least 6 deaths are being investigated in Jamaica, although none yet linked to dengue”



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