Pro-Hamas Activist Taunts War Hero and Congressman Over Amputations in Capitol Confrontation (Video)

In a shocking display of disrespect, an anti-Jewish activist mocked Afghanistan war veteran and congressman Brian Mast over his war injuries, using a reference to Hamas in an attempt to provoke him. The incident occurred in the halls of the U.S. Capitol, where the activist, operating under the pro-Hamas X handle, The Palestine News Network (PNN), taunted Mast about the loss of his legs in combat.

The terror supporter callously asked, “What happened to your legs? Did a red triangle go over your head?” This question was not only a crass reference to Mast’s war injury but also an inflammatory comment linked to the red triangle symbol, which has deep, disturbing historical connotations. During World War II, the Nazis used the inverted red triangle in concentration camps to identify political prisoners. Recently, some pro-Palestinian activists have co-opted this symbol, weaponizing it against Jews and others associated with pro-Israeli policies, turning it into a symbol of hostility.

By invoking the red triangle, the activist seemed to be making a dangerous parallel between Mast’s war injuries and Palestinian militants, suggesting that Mast was targeted and deserved his injuries because he supported Israel. This comment was not only offensive but also an attempt to incite Mast, making light of his sacrifice in Afghanistan while tying it to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mast, a former explosive ordnance disposal technician, lost both of his legs on September 19, 2010, after being seriously wounded by an improvised explosive device (IED) in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He was clearing an area for the U.S. Army Rangers during an operation when the explosion occurred, leading to the amputation of both legs. He now uses prosthetics to walk.

Mast did not hold back in response to the activist’s vile taunt. He turned to the activist and retorted, “Want to know what happens if these legs get stuck up somebody’s a**? You’re about to find out.” The activist then attempted to shift the narrative by accusing Mast of making a “homophobic comment,” a common tactic used to deflect from the original provocation.

The Palestine News Network, social media account, has gained notoriety for accosting staffers and members of Congress in Washington D.C., frequently resorting to insults and aggressive questioning, particularly when officials do not answer queries about the Palestinian cause.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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