Released 5 Times: Sanctuary Policies Let Ethiopian Violent Felon Stay in America to Abduct, Poison, and Sexually Assault Virginia Resident

Biden and Harris’s system of ignoring ICE detainers and supporting sanctuary policies allowed convicted illegal felon Besam Semirali Bashwie to be repeatedly released, resulting in preventable violent crimes that would not have occurred under Trump’s tougher immigration policies.

Alexandria, VA — Another horrific example of the Biden administration’s reckless open-border policies has come to light as Besam Semirali Bashwie, a convicted Ethiopian felon, was allowed to roam free and allegedly commit abduction, poisoning, and sexual crimes against a Virginia resident. Bashwie, who had been previously convicted of racketeering, was released into the community not once but multiple times despite ICE detainers intended to keep this dangerous criminal off the streets.

A Case That Should Never Have Happened

Bashwie, a 24-year-old Ethiopian national, entered the U.S. in 2019 on a lawful basis but violated the terms of his stay. In 2021, he was convicted of racketeering in Alexandria—a crime serious enough to warrant his immediate removal. Despite being sentenced to five years in prison, three years, 11 months, and 26 days of his sentence were suspended, allowing him to re-enter the community much sooner than he should have. This reduced sentence, coupled with the refusal of local jurisdictions to honor ICE detainers, put the public at greater risk much sooner.

Key Dates Highlighting a Pattern of Failures:

  1. June 15, 2021: Bashwie was arrested for racketeering in Alexandria.
  2. January 19, 2023: He was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Fairfax County. ICE lodged a detainer, but Fairfax County ignored the request and released him.
  3. February-May 2023: Bashwie’s criminal behavior escalated. He was arrested for obstruction of justice and then charged with abduction with intent to defile, poisoning by other methods, and felony sexual penetration by force—all serious and violent crimes. However, ICE detainers were ignored again.
  4. May 16, 2023: ICE lodged another detainer with Arlington County Jail, but the jail refused to honor it, releasing Bashwie back into the community.
  5. May 30, 2023: Bashwie was arrested again for violating a protection order, but once more, local authorities released him.

This pattern of multiple missed opportunities to remove Bashwie highlights the reckless failures of sanctuary policies under Biden’s leadership, which repeatedly allowed a dangerous criminal to remain free, threatening public safety.

The Seriousness of His Crimes

Bashwie is charged with felony abduction with intent to defile, felony poisoning by other methods, and felony sexual penetration by force, threat, or incapacity. These are not minor offenses—they represent the highest levels of violence. The fact that such serious charges could have been avoided had ICE detainers been honored showcased the immediate and serious threat Bashwie posed to the community. These crimes were preventable, and the refusal to honor ICE’s requests directly endangered the public.

ERO Washington’s Response

ERO Washington, D.C., in their statement, emphasized that they will not tolerate the victimization of local residents by egregious noncitizen criminals. However, despite ICE’s best efforts, the sanctuary policies in places like Fairfax and Arlington tied their hands, making it impossible to remove dangerous individuals like Bashwie before they could commit further crimes. Biden’s policies, which enable these sanctuary cities, have jeopardized public safety by blocking federal law enforcement from doing its job.

The Cost of Sanctuary Policies

Fairfax and Arlington County Jails repeatedly refused to honor ICE detainers lodged against Bashwie despite his violent criminal history. These jails, operating under sanctuary policies supported by Democrat leadership, have prioritized protecting illegal immigrants over the safety of American citizens. This case isn’t an isolated incident—sanctuary cities across the country are becoming safe havens for criminals like Bashwie, placing ideology above public safety.

Sanctuary policies are not protecting vulnerable communities—they are putting them at greater risk. As this case clearly shows, dangerous individuals like Bashwie can continue to commit horrific crimes because local jurisdictions, under Biden’s leadership, refuse to cooperate with ICE.

ICE’s Role in the Justice System

ICE plays a critical role in ensuring the removal of dangerous criminals, but under the current administration, local jurisdictions are actively blocking federal law enforcement from doing its job. This obstruction has directly contributed to preventable tragedies like the ones allegedly committed by Bashwie. It’s time to ask how many more victims will suffer due to Biden’s refusal to enforce immigration laws.

A Call for Action

The failure to cooperate with federal immigration authorities resulted in Bashwie returning to the streets, where he allegedly committed horrific crimes against a resident in Virginia. These alarming charges have drawn sharp criticism of jurisdictions that refuse to honor detainers filed by ICE, which are designed to prevent dangerous criminals from returning to the public.

This isn’t just about one case—it’s about a pattern of failure. Bashwie’s case should serve as a wake-up call to every American. How many more criminals like him will slip through the cracks due to the Biden/Harris administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws?

The Democrat’s open-borders disaster must end. ICE detainers need to be enforced, and criminals like Bashwie must be kept out of our communities. Trump’s tough stance on immigration and his unwavering support for ICE were critical in keeping violent criminals off our streets and ensuring the safety of law-abiding Americans. These policies worked to keep dangerous individuals like Bashwie from re-entering the U.S. and harming more innocent citizens.

This case is another reminder that America’s security is at risk, and we can no longer afford to let dangerous criminals walk free due to weak, politically motivated policies. Congress must now end these sanctuary policies and restore law and order. Our nation’s safety depends on it, and under Trump’s proven policies, Americans were safer.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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