Senator Malcolm Roberts: 'Globalist Predators and Major Bankers Control Governments Around the World' (Exclusive)

A shadowy cabal of bankers are controlling world affairs through supranational organizations that dictate globalist policies to leaders across the world.

RAIR Foundation USA was honored to interview Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation conservative party. The leader exposes the dangerous and freedom-crushing agenda and tactics of powerful and wealthy bankers, subversive individuals, and unelected globalist organizations controlling governments across the world.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (left), Party leader Pauline Hanson (right)

The brave hard-hitting Senator believes “globalist predators” are working through organizations like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum to control world affairs and each of our governments. The Senator explains that these predators, A shadowy cabal of bankers are controlling world affairs through supranational organizations that dictate globalist policies to leaders across the world.

And what we see is these major banks, these major bankers, controlling governments around the world. They are the ones who are ultimately pulling the strings.

That’s the major banks, the major corporations of this planet at the moment, Blackrock, Vanguard, and their ultimate owners, the few small numbers of families that control them.

The Federal Reserve Bank, as Ron Paul says, Senator or former Senator Ron Paul says, Neither has reserves nor is it federal. And so what we’ve seen is a privately owned institution, the Federal United States Federal Reserve Bank, masquerading, parading itself as a state instrument. It’s not, it’s a privately owned instrument.

Sadly, governments of states and nations have lost complete control. For example, the Senator points out:

Trudeau’s government in Canada is just a puppet. The Morrison Albanese government in this country is just a puppet. They’re following the instructions of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, for example, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum.

Language as a Weapon

One of the chief weapons Globalists deploy to further attack Western Civilization is their weaponization of language. Senator Roberts explains, “language has been co-opted as a weapon. It’s meant to; it’s now being used to convey the very opposite of what some words actually mean.”

The left has worked for decades to alter the meanings of concepts that define our way of life. They have worked hard to redefine our words–that is, change the frame associated with a word so that it fits the worldview of the left. In so doing, they have changed the meaning of some of our most important concepts and stolen our language.

Language, in other words, according to Orwell, is a way of changing behavior and, by extension a way of changing how people see and think about the world and its inhabitants.

The Senator gave several examples of words and concepts the left has co-opted, such as “emissions” to push their climate, “health,” and political agendas to cause “fear, guilt. and panic” to further control the masses.

“God meant us to be free”

“The real problem we’re facing is the gutlessness, the ignorance, the stupidity, the weakness timidity of our fellow members of parliament, state, and federal in this country and the Western world,” explains the Senator. He implored each of us needs to educate others and shine a light on the wicked and corrupt attacks against our civilization:

It’s up to us to talk more about this because, ultimately, I wouldn’t just use the word evil for what they’re doing. I would use the word inhuman and immoral – and it is definitely against the whole of human civilization because they want to control it. 

Above all, the Senator reminds us that love is the most liberating thing in the world. The second most liberating thing is truth. The third most liberating thing is freedom:

And that’s where human progress comes from. That’s where human freedom comes from. Freedom, truth, and love are indivisible, that they are united together; you can’t have one without the other. You can’t have love without truth. You can’t have love without freedom, so freedom, truth, and love are essential. That’s what’s given us the remarkable progress in human civilization in just the last 170 years since the industrial revolution started. And it’s what they’re trying to do now to take away the benefits of that industrial revolution, the freedom; they want to enslave people.

So what we’ve got to remember is that we are meant to be free. God meant us to be free. The Universe meant us to be free. It’s inherent in the universe to be free. It’s a fundamental principle of the universe. It’s, it’s of the universe, freedom, truth, and love.

Watch the exclusive RAIR interview with Senator Roberts:

Interview Transcript


We are speaking with Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts. Malcolm, who, of course, has been one of the most courageous voices against a number of efforts against Western civilization, most notably, I think, was COVID measures and compulsory vaccines. And we certainly want to talk about that. But I think one thing I’d love to go into is something that you have; you’re one of the rare people who understand this idea. And I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. And that is how Language has been distorted in very specific ways to achieve an outcome. That’s not the one that perhaps people expected. Do you want to speak on that?

Senator Robert:

Sure, I’m happy to speak about that, Vlad. Language has been co-opted as a weapon. It’s meant to; it’s now being used to convey the very opposite of what some of the words actually mean. It goes back, as far as I know, to Ludwig von Mises and his use of the term liberal, meaning Liberty Freedom. It’s now been co-opted, and that was deliberate over many decades to mean the exact opposite. It is a stand-in for the word control. So we no longer have freedom versus control. We have control versus liberty, another form of control. And the left, I don’t like that term left, but people seem to know what it means.

It’s really two sides of politics, not left and right. It’s control versus freedom. And the control side of politics, what some people call the left, is now using the term liberal as something that it’s not. So it’s really a front for control.

Another one is the use of the word emissions. Emission is something that comes out of something; it’s emitted from something. Now we have emissions from our bodies. We have urine, sweat, nasal, snot, and saliva. We also have emissions from power plants. We have emissions from cars; we have emissions from many things. The word emissions was co-opted to main pollutants in the 1970s with California’s badly needed and sorely needed emissions regulations for real pollutants. The word emissions has now come to mean carbon dioxide.

And people just think automatically that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. It is not. It is entirely natural. It is a trace gas; its atmosphere and its nature’s atmospheric trace gas are essential for all life on the planet. Humans do produce carbon dioxide, not only from our exhaling from our natural respiration but also from our industrial activities or agricultural activities. But that carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere is not controlled by humans. It’s controlled entirely by nature because the oceans contain 50 to 70 times more carbon dioxide in dissolve form than in the entire atmosphere. 

Humans, the science shows this, the empirical scientific evidence that logical scientific points show that humans cannot affect the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and show that the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere does not affect the temperature. So what we’ve been told now is that emissions drive carbon dioxide need to be cut. And people think that’s a good thing because that’s a pollutant. But, no, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

So they’ve corralled Language for liberty; they’ve corralled Language for pollutants. They’ve corralled Language for health and have just been heinous, distorting the Language, causing fear, and guilting people and panic. And that’s been done deliberately.


It certainly seems like it would; it must be deliberate because the outcome is always for the greater; the answer to all of these problems is more state control, less individual rights, less individual liberty, and more remote decision-making farther and farther from the individual. This is very much in accordance with various communist think tanks like the Frankfurt School. Runnymede, what’s the British one called the Fabian Society. (Yes.) Would that be your experience? Would that be your understanding?

Senator Roberts

Definitely, very well, summarized Vlad, very well summarized. There’s an eternal battle going on in humanity between freedom versus control. It happens within each of us. We all have that subtle tendency, our ego-driven, subtle tendency to control others. And really, that is a way of hurting ourselves. So even at the personal level, the individual level, the inner level, control hurts ourselves. We find it very difficult without a lot of internal work to actually see us trying to control ourselves, trying to control others. But when we try to control others, it weakens us because it says; basically, I’m not competent to survive without controlling. Therefore, I’m not competent to survive because we can’t control the world. It’s a subtle thing our ego does to us. 

But then we also see people with brutal egos and great fear and guilt trying to control others. And that’s the mark of the dictator. So the mark of the dictator is not someone powerful, the mark of the dictator, the totalitarian, is someone who is weak, timid, and guilty, and they project the opposite, and they try to con us all. 

So what we always see beneath control, Vlad, is fear. Always beneath control, there is fear. So we need to not only stand up to these people, we need to have compassion for them. That might seem strange at times. But that’s the ultimate message from Jesus Christ from Buddha, and other sages throughout history, that we need to practice true forgiveness. True forgiveness, not the forgiveness that is peddled by some churches, which is just another word for more fear and more guilt, true forgiveness of these people. And means standing up to these people as well in a compassionate way, but in a very, very determined way. Because control is the mark of weakness, control is the mark of so many inhuman practices that have occurred throughout history.


So on this issue of control, I watched Australia as closely as I was able from here in Canada. When Canada was suffering from many of and still is the same, the same kinds of totalitarian measures, irrational and deceptive, I mean, the whole thing is based on a global style, lie for sure. But one thing I can’t help but notice is that in all authoritarian societies, whether it’s a theocracy or whether it’s a collectivist totalitarian society, I can’t help but notice that what the state seems to do is actually empower individuals to cause tremendous harm to other people, so long as that power is used to enhance the authority and power of the state and the state ideology.

So, in other words, on the one hand, you’ve got Australia, certain Australian governments, and Canadian governments, which have taken away basic rights, liberties, and freedoms. There’s no denying that I personally am not allowed to travel in my own country to leave it. The right of exit has been denied for Canadians that chose not to take an experimental gene therapy, which has been misnamed a vaccine; for example, we’re all familiar with that. But what’s interesting is that your neighbor can, can make an accusation against you of certain kinds and cause tremendous amounts of harm to you, even though what you are being accused of may not be true and may not even be illegal, but it enhances the state ideology and state power. Do you find that that’s that is something is taking place around the world and particularly in Australia?

Senator Roberts:

It’s taking place, particularly in the western world where we’ve been indoctrinated with governments that are not controlled by themselves, their vehicles for control Vlad. I agree entirely with what you just said. It’s very, very well summarized. But I think we need to go further than that and look at the people who are co-opting the state on their behalf. It’s not the state. It’s not the governments of states and countries that are doing this. It is the powers that be behind the governments that are controlling the government. That’s the major banks, the major corporations of this planet at the moment, Blackrock, Vanguard, and their ultimate owners, the few small numbers of families that control them. The Federal Reserve Bank, as Ron Paul says, Senator or former Senator Ron Paul says, Neither has reserves nor is it federal. And so what we’ve seen is a privately owned institution, the Federal United States Federal Reserve Bank, masquerading, parading itself as a state instrument. It’s not; it’s a privately owned instrument.

And what we see is these major banks, these major bankers, controlling governments around the world. They are the ones who are ultimately pulling the strings. And Trudeau’s government in Canada is just a puppet. The Morrison Albanese government in this country is just a puppet. They’re following the instructions of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, for example, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum.

They’re following their policies; they have adopted their policies. Our country is now crippled with energy problems because of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum policies. The whole of the COVID response was, was directed aimed at designed to control people; the COVID management has been a complete balls-up and has been completely mismanaged. That’s because the intent was never to manage the virus. The intent was to use the virus to control people. 

So it’s very important to while acknowledging some of your statements as being entirely accurate, go further than that. Look at the people who control the states and federal government. In this country, Vlad, we’ve had so-called Liberal-National people in government in the federal sphere until recently. On the supposed right of politics on supposedly the freedom side. It’s complete rubbish. They’re not.

We’ve had people on the labor side; the socialist side isn’t in control at the state level. Both have worked hand in hand together to control people. So it’s no longer liberal versus labor. That’s complete bullshit. It is labor and liberal, controlled by the globalist predators working through the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. That’s who we’re up against. And it is a worldwide sweep. 

Fortunately, we see people in Africa and Asia in particular not ready to bow down to this. Most people in the West have given up. But we can still come back. It’s very important to understand the problem so that we can unite people against that core – against the cause of the problem and solve this problem because we have to solve it. Otherwise, we’re looking at enormous control, unheard of control unheard of in the whole of human history. And it will be done in a way that’s very subtle, very demeaning, very inhuman, and it’d be done in a way that’s not directly seen, unlike in the past, where we’ve had we’ve had the guns and tanks, suppressing people. 

This will be done without people really understanding it. Electronically, And through so-called laws, we’ve got to be very, very careful to understand the real, real, real source of this control.


I have read recently read that Iran’s already implemented digital identification, which will be required to buy food. And, of course, its digital identification can be revoked at any time. And presumably, it would depend on a person’s observance of the state ideology in Iran. And I can’t imagine a scenario in which that isn’t going to be applied across the western world.

Senator Roberts:

I agree with you, Vlad. I’ve been the first senator, the first member of federal parliament, first member of any parliament in this country to call out the digital identity project that the World Economic Forum is driving through federal and state governments. And it’s insidious, it’s ubiquitous, it’s all around us. And we just saw last week, I think, the Chinese announced that they will be giving $20,000 to everyone, so long as they inform on their neighbors, and it’d be done in a way such that the neighbor won’t know that his or her neighbor has been informing on them.

This was done in put in by the Portuguese in Angola. I think it was 50 years ago. This is not the first time this has been done. While digital identity will be the first time, it’s being used. State Payments do inform our neighbors is not for the being done for the first time. It was done 50 years ago in Portuguese Angola. It was done many years ago by the Nazis. What’s that now that’s 80 years ago; it was 90 years ago. It’s being done in China now. So this is how they prey upon people. 

But what we’ve got to recognize is that the digital identity is part of the digital transformation project that the World Economic Forum has initiated and our governments are pushing. And it’s being pushed by people who don’t even really know what they’re doing through banks through various credit agencies. And this is happening right throughout the western world. It’s already in place in Sweden, so part of it, in Italy, as well. And they’re pulling these things together; what we’ve got to do is recognize this, Vlad. So I’m very grateful for you for drawing people’s attention to it.


Well, thank you, Senator Malcolm, Robert, so much for talking to us at RAIRfoundation. I mean, someday, when you have the time, we could really flesh this out. 

Because there are such enormously evil things right on the horizon, and I think that, you raising awareness of these things is a great public service. And so I’m so grateful that you’re doing that on behalf of the whole Anglosphere.

Senator Roberts:

Well, Vlad, thank you for that. But it’s really very simple with Senator Pauline Hanson as our party leader. All we do is get the information and then speak out. But the real problem we’re facing is the gutlessness, the ignorance, the stupidity, the weakness timidity of our fellow members of parliament, state, and federal in this country and, I think, in the Western world.

There are a few of us who understand what’s going on. It’s up to us to talk more about this because, ultimately, I wouldn’t just use the word evil for what they’re doing. I would use the word inhuman and immoral – and it is definitely against the whole of human civilization because they want to control it. 

The most liberating thing in the world is love. The second most liberating thing is truth. The third most liberating thing is freedom. Because of freedom, each of us comes up with ideas. Now, my ideas might not be as good as yours, Vlad, but you can take one of my ideas, transform it, and make it even better. And then someone else can take your idea and transform it and help meet people’s needs using that idea.

And that’s where human progress comes from. That’s where human freedom comes from. Freedom, truth, and love are indivisible, that they are united together; you can’t have one without the other. You can’t have love without truth. You can’t have love without freedom, so freedom, truth, and love are essential. That’s what’s given us the remarkable progress in human civilization in just the last 170 years since the industrial revolution started. And it’s what they’re trying to do now to take away the benefits of that industrial revolution, the freedom; they want to enslave people.

So what we’ve got to remember is that we are meant to be free. God meant us to be free. The Universe meant us to be free. It’s inherent in the universe to be free. It’s a fundamental principle of the universe. It’s a fundamental part of the universe. It’s of the universe. There’s no such thing as parts of the universe. It’s, it’s of the universe, freedom, truth, and love. Thank you very much for what you’re doing, Vlad, and I would love to have that conversation. I’ll take that as an invitation.


It is absolutely. Let’s catch up again in the next couple of weeks if you have the time. And thank you very much again on behalf of myself and RAIR Foundation USA.

Senator Roberts:

Thank you for what you’re doing. Vlad, it’s a real pleasure to work with you. 

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Wow what a great interview. Fabians are the greatest cause of the loss of freedoms (which is why I arrested executive members in London in 2018 for subverting the English constitution). The digital identity is British led look up D5 conference London. Digital nations.

    I lead a political party in England called the English Constitution Party and we are gaining members fast. Taking back England from the globalists, the seed of which are the British supra National state.

    Graham Moore aka DD


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