Serbian Asylum Seeker Stabs Teen in Swedish Subway, Escapes Attempted Murder Charge with Just 2.5 Years in Prison

In yet another shocking display of Sweden’s failed asylum policies, a Serbian migrant brutally attacked a 15-year-old boy in a subway station in Stockholm this past summer. The 35-year-old asylum seeker, Milan Jevtic, carried out a vicious, unprovoked knife attack just before the train arrived at Slussen station on June 11, reports Samyntt. In what can only be described as a harrowing moment, Jevtic placed a knife against the boy’s neck and repeatedly stabbed him as the young victim desperately tried to escape.

Passengers in the subway car remained frozen in terror, failing to intervene, leaving the boy to fight for his life. He only managed to escape with his life because the subway doors opened, giving him the opportunity to flee the relentless attacker.

Despite these horrific facts, Jevtic was not convicted of attempted murder. The Stockholm District Court decided that this brutal assault, which could easily have ended in the boy’s death, amounted to nothing more than aggravated assault. The reasoning? The court believed that Jevtic could have caused even more severe injuries if he truly intended to kill the boy—a decision that has sparked outrage, especially among those who are tired of seeing dangerous migrants exploit Sweden’s lenient asylum system.

After the attack, Jevtic fled to a nearby Migration Agency accommodation, where police were able to track him down. They found the knife and blood-stained clothes used in the assault, tying him directly to the crime.

Jevtic, who claimed to the Swedish Migration Agency that he is being “hunted by the mafia” and has also identified himself as “an artist and gay,” was sentenced to just two years and six months in prison. After serving his sentence, he will be deported—but the damage has already been done. The leniency of the ruling highlights the ongoing failures of open-border policies, where asylum seekers with questionable backgrounds are allowed to roam free, posing a direct threat to citizens.

This case is yet another clear example of how Sweden’s open-border policies are putting innocent lives at risk. A child’s life was nearly taken, and the justice system failed to deliver the accountability that such a violent crime demands. How many more victims will it take before countries begin to realize the dangers of letting people with unknown backgrounds and histories flood their borders?

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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