Silenced for Truth: How Globalist Forces and the OSCE Are Crushing Free Speech in the West

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff has become a symbol of the fight for free speech in Europe. Known for her unwavering stance on the dangers posed by Islam to the West, she faced persecution not just from the Austrian government but from the European Court of Human Rights, all for merely asking an uncomfortable yet factual question in a private class she taught. Her conviction raises serious concerns about the future of free expression and the increasingly oppressive landscape created by political correctness.

In one of her classes, Elisabeth brought up a historical fact: Mohammad, the founder of Islam, married a six-year-old girl, Aisha, and consummated that marriage when she was nine. She then posed a question to her students: “What would we call such a man in the West?” It was an honest and valid inquiry, yet it led to her being targeted by a leftist newspaper, which sent a spy to her class in an effort to silence her through cancel culture.

The courts of Austria, rather than protecting her right to free speech, twisted the situation against her. In a particularly bizarre ruling, a female judge argued that since Mohammad remained married to Aisha past the age of puberty, he could not be labeled a pedophile. This, despite the fact that Elisabeth never explicitly made that claim—she simply asked her class a question based on historical facts. Her appeal was consistently rejected by higher courts, and the case made its way to the European Union Commission of Human Rights, where, once again, her voice was stifled.

Elisabeth’s ordeal is part of a larger pattern, where truth is increasingly branded as hate speech by globalist entities like the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), which aims to suppress free speech under the guise of protecting harmony. The OSCE, comprised of 57 participating states, is pivotal in shaping legislation that impacts free speech across Europe.

The OSCE itself is a post-Cold War organization with the original intention of helping former Soviet states adapt to freedom and free market economies. Like many other institutions, the polarity has been reversed, and it appears to be doing the exact opposite now, injecting socialist doctrine and ideology, such as political correctness, into Western nations.

Figures like Stephen Coughlin have pointed out these manipulative tactics in international forums, including the OSCE itself, where uncomfortable truths are silenced to promote a certain narrative.

On October 2nd, 2024, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff made a powerful statement about the current state of free speech and freedom of the press in Europe and across the West. She addressed the OSCE, pointing to the growing hostility toward independent journalists and critics of Islam, who face attacks not just from the media but from legal institutions as well.

RAIR Foundation has documented numerous clips of the OSCE over the years, exposing its growing authoritarian tendencies. These videos not only reveal the organization’s intentions but also showcase the brave individuals and groups who have spoken out against its increasingly oppressive stance. Many of those who speak at OSCE sessions, however, represent Marxist think tanks, such as Runnymede, or Islamic organizations and even nations such as Turkey, advocating for the dominance of Islam in Western societies or for the means to achieve it.

A particularly telling moment occurred during a 2013 OSCE panel, where it was made clear that the term “Islamophobia” was left intentionally undefined. This deliberate vagueness allows the term to be weaponized, stifling any criticism of Islam under the guise of fighting bigotry. By keeping the definition ambiguous, the OSCE has ensured that the word can be wielded against anyone who dares to question Islamic practices or beliefs.

This tactic of using “Islamophobia” to silence dissenters isn’t limited to Europe. Across the West, critics of Islam have been targeted, bankrupted, and jailed simply for raising concerns about the religion’s influence on society. By keeping the definition vague, powerful institutions like the OSCE ensure that the term can be used as a catch-all to quash any form of opposition.

In a later session in May, Elisabeth herself posed a critical question to the panel: “Who decides what is hate speech?” Her question strikes at the heart of the issue—who holds the power to label dissenting opinions as hateful? Elisabeth’s persistence in questioning these opaque and dangerous policies highlights her commitment to defending free speech in a world where such liberties are increasingly under threat.

Elisabeth’s intervention on October 2nd delivered a sharp critique of the escalating threats to free speech and journalism in the West. Representing the organization Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa, she began by honoring the bravery of Michael Stürzenberger, a journalist who was nearly killed in July by an Islamic migrant in Germany. Stürzenberger, known for his criticism of Islam, was not only vilified by the media but blamed for his own stabbing, accused of provoking the attack simply by speaking out.

Stürzenberger’s case is not isolated. In Europe, critics of Islam frequently face physical violence, legal action, and media demonization for raising legitimate concerns about the religion’s role in society. This pattern of persecution highlights the growing dangers faced by those who speak out in defense of free expression.

In her statement, Elisabeth drew attention to how independent journalists, particularly those critical of government or establishment narratives, are increasingly being harassed through legal and financial means. Journalists are not only targeted by physical attacks, like Stürzenberger, but also face demonization from legacy media, deplatforming by financial institutions, and lawfare orchestrated by governments. She cited the case of Tommy Robinson, also known as Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who is facing imprisonment for his reporting, and CJ Hopkins, who was labeled a “hate speech criminal” for challenging government narratives.

Elisabeth warned of the dangerous trend toward authoritarianism in Europe, where governments and supranational bodies like the European Union are planning to make hate speech a serious crime. She also called out leaders like U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris for advocating government oversight of social media, which she described as censorship under a different name.

In closing, Elisabeth urged OSCE member states to renew their commitment to true freedom of expression and ensure the safety of independent journalists. She stressed that journalists who document the truth should not face prosecution, as freedom of speech is being systematically eroded in what she described as one of the most perilous times for free expression in recent history.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff’s unwavering defense of free speech highlights a disturbing trend in the West, where those who dare to speak out are being silenced, persecuted, and even physically attacked. Her case is emblematic of a much broader and more dangerous battle for the right to express uncomfortable truths without fear of devastating consequences. In nations that claim to uphold free speech, individuals like Elisabeth, Michael Stürzenberger, and others are being bankrupted, jailed, and targeted simply for challenging dominant ideologies.

As governments and institutions push to control public discourse under the guise of protecting harmony, it is clear that the cost of speaking freely has never been higher. Yet, despite the real risks, voices like Elisabeth’s continue to challenge the creeping authoritarianism that threatens the very foundation of free societies. In these dangerous times, defending free expression is not just a matter of principle—it is an urgent necessity for the preservation of individual liberty and the future of democracy.

For those interested, the video of the entire day, including all the interventions for and against individual rights by various NGOs at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), can be seen here.

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