Soros-Funded Marxist Coalition 'Athena' Formed to Hijack Amazon

“Americans should be aware that bad actors seek to hijack successful businesses for their own agenda.”

The New York Times forgot to mention in their recent gushing report that the coalition known as Athena, formed to hijack Amazon, is heavily associated with communists from America’s largest Marxist organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and infested with Marxists from the secretive, but highly influential Liberation Road, formerly known as the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

To understand Athena, one must understand their predecessor, “United for Respect,” which was formed by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) to co-opt Walmart. Walmart has been successfully resisting relentless efforts to unionize by the salivating UFCW and their allies for decades. The massive infusion of cash in the form of union dues by Walmart’s 2.2 million associates makes it worth the effort.

United for Respect (aka OUR) Image Source

In June 2011, The New York Times reported that the anti-Walmart United for Respect received “a sizable sum” from UFCW, which “has also paid hundreds of its members to go door to door to urge Wal-Mart workers to join the group.” Additionally, United for Respect received funding from “a consulting firm long associated with David Axelrod, President Obama’s top political strategist.”

The anti-Amazon Athena, on the other hand, is getting “seed funding” from Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and according to the New York Times, coalition members are “raising $15 million to cover its first three years.” The coalition members include the radical “Make the Road New York,” which “is closely linked to an $80 million dollar anti-Trump network and an approved funding group of the Democracy Alliance, a secretive liberal donor network.” Another coalition partner is MPower Change, which describes itself as “the largest Muslim led social and racial justice organization in the United States.” Palestinian/Socialist activist Linda Sarsour is one of the co-founders of MPower Change.

A mere fifteen million dollars to co-opt Amazon’s massive corporation would be well worth the effort, if it is successful.

Athena’s Director is Dania Rajendra, who also represented United for Respect at the hard-left Democrat-led Progressive Strategy Summit headlined “Building Power for the Rest of Us” held on October 24-25, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill. Dania Rajendra was listed as one of those “featured” in a panel headlined “[F]rom the Shop Floor to the House Floor: Bringing; Lessons from the Picket Lines into Policy Debates” which aimed to “discuss our shared goals of rebalancing our economy to achieve racial, gender, and economic justice.”

The moderator of that panel discussion was Dorian T. Warren, an alumni of the Rockwood Leadership Institute, which is, as described by communism expert Trevor Loudon, a “training school for revolutionaries.” Rockwood is heavily influenced by the hard-core communists of Liberation Road.

Image result for "Dania Rajendra" athena
Dania Rajendra via Twitter

Dania Rajendra is as left as it gets. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the DSA-linked publication, The Activist, where she wrote about the youth wing of DSA, the YDS, or “Young Democratic Socialists,” she was an attendee at the “Strategies Against the Far Right” retreat with the New York City office of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, which is associated with Die Linke, a direct descendant of the former ruling East German Communist Party.

When Rajendra is not claiming that criticism of George Soros is antisemitic, she is declaring that pro-life organizations are linked to white supremacy.

Walmart and Amazon are both highly prized leftist conquests that would result in infusions of cash via union dues but more importantly, could be used as a platform to push the socialist agenda. If this sounds a bit far fetched, this author would like the reader to consider that leadership in the UFCW has direct ties to the Rockwood Institute:

  • Esther Lopez, “Executive Vice President,” was a 2015 alum
  • Christyne Neff, “International Vice President and Executive Assistant to the International President,” was a 2014 alum
  • Andrea Dehlendorf, Co-Executive Director, United for Respect, was a 2017 alum

Other famous Rockwood alumni include the aforementioned Linda Sarsour, radical Florida mayor and failed gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, and Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza just to name a few.

As reported at RAIR, DSA has been active in “corporate pressure” campaigns. DSA leader Maria Svart stated in April 2019 :

Our theory of power is that we need to take state power but also in the course of that we need to build power and other arenas so I always say we have one foot in the electoral political system and then one foot outside the formal political system and that means our chapters do things like run corporate pressure campaigns… “

Americans should be aware that bad actors seek to hijack successful businesses for their own agenda.


Renee Nal

Renee Nal is an investigative journalist and documentary film producer.

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