Spain: Two Brutal Beheadings in Valencia Within 30 Hours Leave Community in Shock (Video)

In a span of less than 30 hours, Valencia, Spain, has been rocked by two horrific murders, leaving the community in shock and mourning. These incidents have been marked by their brutal nature, with both victims meeting a gruesome end.

First Victim: José Andrés Peña

The first tragedy occurred early on Tuesday, July 30th. José Andrés Peña, a 40-year-old man, was found beheaded on the pedestrian bridge near the Oceanogràfic in Valencia City. This horrifying act of violence left the community stunned, and the circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear.

Second Victim: Another Unnamed Man

Barely 30 hours later, in the early hours of Thursday, a second man was similarly killed in Carcaixent, Valencia. Shortly after midnight, a neighbor called emergency services, reporting a man lying in the street with severe neck wounds. He had received several stab wounds to his neck and collapsed in the middle of the street.

Civil Guard Investigations

The Civil Guard is actively investigating both cases. Initial findings suggest that the second victim was stabbed approximately 50 meters from where he was found, at the intersection of Joan XXIII Avenue and Alacant Street, near a bar terrace. A patron of the bar was the one who alerted the authorities.

Upon arrival, the Civil Guard confirmed the violent nature of the death and called in homicide specialists and crime lab technicians to handle the investigation. As of now, the identity of the second victim remains unknown.

Community in Shock

These two brutal murders within such a short time frame have left the Valencia community deeply unsettled. The Civil Guard’s investigation is ongoing, with residents anxiously awaiting further developments.

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