In Vitry-sur-Seine, Val-de-Marne, two 17-year-old Muslim minors are under investigation for a series of violent robberies committed in late 2024. Among these crimes, a December 2 attack stands out for its religious...
"If an Italian went to an Arab or Islamic country insulting Allah, breaking the law, or disrespecting the locals, they wouldn’t send him home—they’d put him in jail," declared Matteo Salvini as he criticized migrants...
By exploiting Christmas to distort Jesus, ICNA’s billboards are not outreach but a calculated assault on Christianity, weaponizing deception to erode faith and advance Islam’s uncompromising agenda of domination.
Imam Siraj Wahhaj’s speech at the ICNA 2024 conference exposes a deliberate and foreign-funded strategy to replace Western institutions and values with Islamic dominance, enabled by government complacency and taxpayer...
An Islamic immigrant transformed a second-hand warehouse into the Apex Mosque—a Sharia stronghold quietly advancing Islamic conquest, step by step, while America sleeps.
A chilling Islamic march in Mississauga, Canada, on Saturday, November 17, openly glorified jihad and martyrdom through its chants, sparking outrage and alarm across the country. The march leader proclaimed: “Our...
In the Netherlands, a rising Islamic group, Full Force, masked as a fitness organization, uses physical training to recruit and indoctrinate young sharia-adherent fighters, prompting serious concerns about a covert...
Investigators in Bavaria have arrested a 27-year-old Syrian Muslim accused of plotting a jihad attack on German soldiers in Hof. The man planned to ambush the soldiers during their lunch break in the city center...
Councilwoman Inna Vernikov posted an online video Tuesday showing herself outside a Muslim family's Brighton Beach home, where they proudly displayed the Taliban and Palestinian flags side by side.
Archbishop Lefebvre’s prophetic warning to the French to ask the government to stop Islam, based on his belief that the two religions could not coexist, resulted in persecution, yet his prescient message now resonates...
The West is on the brink of conquest. The relentless march of Islamization across our countries is unstoppable. Forget the sheer numbers of Jihadis that have already infiltrated our nations and are reproducing at rates...
"Kevin Crehan was jailed and led to his death for putting bacon on a mosque. Will this vile woman throwing rocks at a church in Bradford yesterday be jailed? I won't hold my breath!" remarked British journalist Tommy...
A troubling Italian news report unveils a deepening crisis in Genoa due to Islamic immigration, demonstrating how escalating radicalism, exemplified by the arrest of migrant terrorist Faysal Rahaman, poses major...
For decades, we've observed a pattern where corporations and institutions yield to the demands or perceived grievances of Muslims regarding Islamic imagery.
Australia, akin to numerous Western nations, hesitates to confront the evident intentions of Islamic supremacists to conquer non-Muslims, thereby failing to address the looming threats they pose.
On January 11, 2024, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media outlet released two posters inciting attacks in New York City. The posters came as part of a global attack campaign called, “And Kill Them Wherever You Find...
For many years now, in areas where Muslims have become a significant minority in a given area of a Western city like Paris, London, Rome, etc., people have observed a uniquely Islamic display of dominance over the local...
A word to the wise: I will support Gaza to the death. Until my death, be aware of it. I will support Gaza to the death. I will support Palestine to the death. And those are my brethren. And I will remain faithful to the...
The deliberate omissions, particularly their failure to address the religious motivation of terrorists, by FBI Director Christopher Wray and EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson, place America and Europe in grave...
In October, in New York City, a controversial Muslim YouTuber, Sohail (WAYOFLIFESQ), with almost 1.5 million followers, threatened America, stating that Islam will not stop until it seizes control: We’re done...
Quranic justification for antisemitic incitement is being taught to American Muslim children. One would have hoped that the barbaric Oct. 7 Hamas massacre would prompt at least transient denunciations of the terror...
French political commentator and former presidential candidate, Eric Zemmour, has stirred controversy with his perspective on recent events in France. In a recent statement, Zemmour argued that the spate of violent...
Hamas massacre on Israel is “a morning of victory, joy, and pride,” says a Fatah official, urging all Palestinians to join the terror – “this story of heroism.” Fatah Jenin branch member Abd Al-Rahman Abu Al-Rub: We say...