A massive Islamic procession in Dearborn, Michigan, led by a radical Imam, reveals the unchecked spread of Sharia, the alarming alliance between local authorities and radical elements, and the growing threat of Islamic...
The observance of Muharram in 2024 highlights the ongoing Islamic takeover, marked by heightened sectarian violence, extremist displays, and the persistent threat to societal harmony, particularly in regions like...
Why are individuals who claim to be peaceful Muslims not distancing themselves from Imam Husham Al-Husainy and his anti-American and dangerous rhetoric, but rather endorsing and promoting it?
On Friday, July 28, 2023, Muslims took to the streets in London for the “Ashura Day Procession.” In a show of force, Muslims held a public procession that began in front of the iconic Marble Arch and marched towards the...
Ashura! It is that time of year again when Shia Muslims commemorate the death of the Prophet’s grandson by engaging in a solemn ritual. Bloodied Shi’ite Muslims, including young boys, participate in self...