This latest tragedy, where a failed Afghan asylum seeker murdered a two-year-old boy and a heroic passerby, is a devastating indictment of open-border policies that prioritize ideology over the safety of innocent...
In a striking new escalation against political opposition, the German newspaper Tagesspiegel has published an article urging readers to confront and report colleagues and employees with “right-wing views.”...
AfD leader and chancellor candidate Alice Weidel denounced the move as a "blatant attack on political freedom, a grave abuse of office, and a politically motivated purge," vowing the party would fight back "with all...
The 26-year-old Syrian refugee, well-informed about Germany’s legal intricacies, is suspected of having received guidance from either a lawyer or the refugee council, enabling him to manipulate asylum deadlines...
The unchecked influx of young male migrants has resulted in numerous sex offenders entering the country. This has prompted the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) to push for a reduction in the number of asylum seekers...