An Australian doctor who dared to call Covid vaccines “the crime of the century” has emerged victorious in court, dealing a devastating blow to medical regulators determined to silence dissent. Dr. William Bay...
In a recent broadcast, Fox News 45 Baltimore brought Dr. Paul Marik, a physician and outspoken figure in alternative cancer therapies, to discuss an alarming spike in aggressive cancer cases among young adults—what he...
Slovak government commissioner for pandemic research Peter Kotlar considers mRNA vaccines dangerous and calls for a ban. He also questions the COVID pandemic itself. In Slovakia, Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova has...
The concept of 15-minute cities, also known as C40 cities, are a thinly veiled attempt by global elites to impose totalitarian control over people’s lives. Shyam Batra, a former candidate for Mayor of London, is...
Australian MP Russell Broadbent’s impassioned speech against the “Combating Misinformation” bill should resonate with freedom-minded Americans concerned about government overreach. Broadbent warns that the...
The longest “Mischief” trial in Canada’s history has finally concluded, marking the end of a drawn-out legal battle against two of the most prominent organizers of the Freedom Convoy protest: Tamara Lich and Chris...
On Sunday, September 8th, a press conference was held outside Canada’s Supreme Court building, with Sue Sproule speaking on behalf of Quebec lawyer Glorianne Blais. Blais has filed lawsuits against every...
"The Interior Ministry deliberately induced fear in children and made them think that if they didn’t comply with health regulations, they were responsible for the death of their parents." - Bastian Barucker
In a deeply revealing Q&A session in Ottawa on August 18, 2024, Chris Barber and Tamara Lich, two central figures in the Canadian Freedom Convoy trials, laid bare the grim reality of their ongoing legal battles...
The unvaccinated, once vilified and marginalized during the pandemic, have emerged as the true winners of the Covid era, as the release of unredacted documents exposes the coordinated effort behind the false narrative...
Senator Ron Johnson directly questioned former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head Dr. Robert Redfield (2018-2021) about the COVID-19 mRNA injections during a U.S. Senate hearing on Thursday. Redfield...
The parallels between the bird flu 'vaccine' push and the COVID-19 'vaccine' campaign reveal a coordinated effort to capitalize on health crises for profit and control
Viewers of the Irish evening news experienced a terrifying moment on Monday when Shirley Scott from the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre suddenly collapsed during a live interview. The incident occurred while Scott was...
Pierre Poilievre began by disclosing the presence of a Chinese spy within Canada's most sensitive laboratory, where the country's most dangerous viruses and pathogens are studied.
A conviction would set a dangerous precedent for how dissenters are treated, potentially leading to stricter measures against protestors in the future.
Charges may be levelled against police for their brutality in aid of Covid mandates. In what is a most welcome yet surprising turn of events, an Australian Judge has reacted in much the same way as the public did world...
In a powerful video statement, Professor Emeritus Masayasu Inoue, formerly of Osaka City University Medical School, has issued a stern warning about what he describes as a global misuse of the COVID-19 pandemic by the...
On Saturday, February 17, 2024, a significant gathering unfolded on Parliament Hill, marking the second anniversary of a notorious incident that has since been deemed illegal: the state-led crackdown on the...
Germany’s only conservative party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), held its second Covid symposium in November in the halls of the German Bundestag – the first, also widely unreported, took place in July 2020...
Steve Kirsch has analysed the data obtained from Barry Young, the New Zealand vaccine data whistleblower who was recently arrested under mass ‘breach of privacy’ legislation and faces up to seven years in prison.
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff secured exclusive interviews with Jason Christoff and Dr. Ryan Cole, exploring insights on resisting pandemic-era brainwashing and discussing the potential for future legal action amid the...