On Saturday, February 17, 2024, a significant gathering unfolded on Parliament Hill, marking the second anniversary of a notorious incident that has since been deemed illegal: the state-led crackdown on the...
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has released a video compilation featuring excerpts from various clips in their TV archives collected over the years.
The Al Madina Dawah Centre's relentless Islamic sermons advocating violent jihad unmask a deep societal denial, exposing Islam not as a religion of peace, but a cunningly disguised political ideology aggressively...
Germany’s only conservative party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), held its second Covid symposium in November in the halls of the German Bundestag – the first, also widely unreported, took place in July 2020...
Amidst growing controversy, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo faces a serious challenge. A letter received on December 7 reveals malpractice within the FOD Public Health, supervised by Frank Vandenbroucke...
Steve Kirsch has analysed the data obtained from Barry Young, the New Zealand vaccine data whistleblower who was recently arrested under mass ‘breach of privacy’ legislation and faces up to seven years in prison.
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff secured exclusive interviews with Jason Christoff and Dr. Ryan Cole, exploring insights on resisting pandemic-era brainwashing and discussing the potential for future legal action amid the...
Amidst his trial, Chris Barber granted an exclusive interview to RAIR Foundation USA, passionately exposing his resolve to confront a corrupted authority and champion the rights of all Canadians.
Dr. Mark Trozzi's haunting words, 'People are being processed as animals with no rights, and when you consider the chilling predictability and the mounting data, it's a grim reality—hospitals turning into places of harm...
In an exclusive and powerful interview with the RAIR Foundation USA, Naturopath Dr. Charley Cropley opened up about the profound shift in people’s perception of medicine and healthcare due to the catastrophic...
Alexandra Henrion-Caude, a French geneticist, addressed the European Parliament on April 2, bringing attention to the lack of transparency and misleading information surrounding the development and administration of...
Dr. Moore's fight extends beyond his personal challenges, representing a broader struggle for the right to choose, informed consent, and challenging government narratives.
Kelly Hale's inspiring journey showcases the challenges faced by business owners during the Covid pandemic and his unwavering fight against encroaching government control.
Marcela's heartbreaking testimony reveals the distressing reality of eroding freedoms and medical discrimination under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Covid measures.
In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA, Linda, a woman with years of experience in the funeral industry, shared her unique observations and insights into the trends of death during the pandemic. Linda...
In a powerful, heartfelt testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry hearings in Ottawa, Canada, Shawna Caines bravely shares her harrowing experience with the Covid-19 vaccine. Her story sheds light on the struggles...
Betrayed by her employer and let down by her church, Robin Bigger's testimony unveils the toll of government Covid measures on her faith and sense of belonging.
The testimony of Eleanor Sparling at The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) provides a poignant glimpse into the harrowing reality endured by elderly individuals in assisted living facilities during the Covid-19...
Canadian politician Dr. James D. Lunney delivered a compelling address to the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa, shedding light on the extraordinary impact of vitamin D as a true magic bullet for human health. In his...
In the depths of a pandemic-induced storm, Lou-Anne Peletier emerged as a warrior, exposing the chilling truth of a COVID-19 Psy-Op and igniting a rallying cry for the preservation of freedom and truth.