Despite surviving a brutal knife attack by an Afghan jihadist, Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger has been convicted of 'incitement to hatred,' exposing a German justice system that shields Islam and failed immigration...
A new era of conservatism is sweeping the globe, as patriots unite across borders to reclaim their nations, defend their values, and reshape the future—led by leaders unafraid to stand for sovereignty and freedom.
Paludan’s trial is part of a growing trend in Western democracies where hate speech laws, which many argue are the Marxist equivalent of Islamic blasphemy laws designed to stifle dissent and crush the defense of Western...
"The weakening of the Christian religion by left-wing militancy in the 20th century opened the way for an Islam that claims to fill our spiritual void and that very clearly intends to dominate the entire European...
The current political and demographic shifts in Europe are an existential threat to its indigenous populations, not seen since the Gates of Vienna in 1683, with concerns that European identity, culture, and history are...