The Netherlands is being systematically dismantled by a government that, under the guise of 'humanitarianism,' has transformed a once-proud nation into an overcrowded asylum for the world's migrants, enforcing a covert...
“Your job is to take in migrants and welcome them because they come out of love. And whether you like it or not, we're an aging continent so you have to let them in," Ylva Johansson, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
The number of detected clandestine border crossings in the EU has increased by 17% to nearly 380,000 migrants in one year, while asylum requests approached 145,000 in France. Frontex, the European Union’s external...
The European Union is seeing a sharp increase in an illegal entry via the Balkan route. Between January and May, the number of illegal border crossings almost tripled to 40,675 compared to the previous year, the...