As the Islamic State regroups in Somalia and jihadist propaganda fueled by the Gaza war radicalizes Muslim youth through mosques, online platforms, and unchecked hate-preaching, Europe faces an escalating threat of...
“UNRWA is not a humanitarian organization; it is the propaganda arm of Hamas. These so-called aid workers crossed the border with terrorists, slaughtered civilians, and kidnapped children. These are the people teaching...
At Malmö's Imam Sadiq Center, children as young as six are indoctrinated to hate Jews and glorify violence, chanting Hamas-linked slogans like "From the river to the sea" and being taught that Jews, labeled as...
Egypt’s tightly controlled border with Gaza tells a story that Westerners seem blind to even an Islamic country like Egypt, sharing cultural, religious, and regional ties with “Palestinians,” refuses to open...
In a shocking display of antisemitism, a Jewish father and his young son were expelled from an Oakland café by a Hamas-supporting owner, only to face further abandonment by police who failed to grasp the gravity of the...
"October 7 is a sign of what awaits us when Islam takes power in Western Europe," warned Beatrix von Storch, highlighting the massacre of Jews as a grim preview of Europe’s future under Islamic control.
Germany’s tolerance of Islamic supremacists rallying for a caliphate under the guise of 'freedom of assembly' allows enemies of Western values to weaponize those very freedoms against the country itself.
On October 6, Conservative MP Shuvaloy Majumdar, born in Calgary, Alberta, to Indian immigrant parents of Bengali Hindu origin, stood before a crowd on Parliament Hill, delivering a speech that cut right to the heart of...
The Nova Music Festival, also known as Supernova, was an open-air psychedelic trance event held in the southern Israeli desert near Kibbutz Re’im on October 6th-7th, 2023. Thousands of Israelis and tourists gathered for...
The October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel was a brutal, premeditated jihad by Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups, part of a larger Islamic war aimed at annihilating Jews, with widespread global support from Muslims...
Though often portrayed as a charitable endowment, Waqf has long served as a strategic tool for Islamic territorial dominance, allowing groups to seize control of non-Muslim lands under the guise of religious obligation...
France stands at the precipice, as Islam's 14-century war against Christianity now threatens to unravel the very foundations of Western civilization—through force, deception, and demographic conquest, the final battle...
The United States is facing a grave and growing threat—one that is festering right under our noses. The recent incident involving Imam Abdullah Alhajj, who delivered a sermon in Highland, Indiana, a suburb of Chicago...
The Red-Green Alliance, backed by government support, wields unchecked power on Canadian streets, targeting charities, undermining law, and advancing pro-terrorist agendas.
As Sweden's Islamization accelerates with leftist support, the growing power of the Muslim community, marked by anti-Western celebrations attended by left-wing politicians, raises serious concerns about women's rights...
On Saturday evening, Israeli singer Eden Golan performed the uncensored version of her Eurovision Song Contest entry for the first time. Golan sang her song “October Rain” at a Tel Aviv rally held weekly in...
Video and images capturing large gatherings of Palestinians enjoying themselves at the beach in central Gaza offer a stark contrast to the grim scenes of conflict, destruction, and loss of life that have been pervasive...
For British Jews, the Passover holiday begins on Monday, April 22, 2024, marked by the Passover Seder, a ritual feast. In a poignant display of solidarity and remembrance, an empty Seder table was unveiled on Wednesday...
Update: The riots yesterday in the streets, airports, ports, etc. were not a local initiative; rather, they were a premeditated operation orchestrated by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps in an effort to paralyze the...
The catalyst for this weekend’s unrest was the Kurdish celebration of the Persian festival Norroez in Leuven, a significant cultural event for Kurds worldwide.