Thank you to the amazing Pat Condell, who released this video, “It’s Good To Be Anti-Islam,” over ten years ago. Condell is a renowned British writer, comedian, and outspoken atheist commentator known...
The arrest and imprisonment of writer Alain Soral, celebrated by LGBTQ+ groups, is a stark reminder of the perilous decline of free speech in Europe, where dissenting voices are silenced and individuals are incarcerated...
New Hampshire Department of Children, Youth, and Families saw fit to issue a protective order, deploy their agents, and issue a “be on the lookout” notice to local police departments.
Are U.S. authorities ignoring this troubling couple's sharia-adherent Alasna Institute fearing an investigation would lead to accusations of "Islamophobia?"
The Austrian Chancellor explained that the migration flows since 2015 have already brought antisemitism, homophobia, and people "not exactly upholding women's rights" in Europe.
Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte and other left-wing leaders fighting to strip Hungarian mothers and fathers of parental rights are drumming up support by falsely accusing the Hungarian government of adopting...
Ex-Muslim Ridvan Aydemir assures Westerners bound by political correctness that their “concerns and anger about this intrusive, this vile practice” of religious supremacy is not “Islamophobic,” nor is it hateful or...