In a disgraceful display of so-called “justice,” the United Kingdom has unleashed one of its most dangerous female jihad terrorists, Madihah Taheer, back onto the streets. Taheer, who gleefully plotted terrorist attacks...
A chilling and undeniable truth is emerging—one we at RAIR Foundation have meticulously documented for months. Across every crisis we face—whether it’s mass immigration, public health devastation, or the systematic...
Austria's immigration policies face criticism as an Afghan Muslim asylum seeker, previously denied entry, threatens the life of Chancellor Karl Nehammer.
In 2015, as the Syrian civil war triggered a refugee crisis in the Middle East, wealthy Gulf states, including the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar, chose to seal themselves off from refugees, fearing the...
Australia, akin to numerous Western nations, hesitates to confront the evident intentions of Islamic supremacists to conquer non-Muslims, thereby failing to address the looming threats they pose.