In a shocking incident, a 19-year-old student from Puglia and her boyfriend were targeted and viciously attacked by a gang of at least 10 North Africans outside the Alcatraz nightclub in Milan. The attackers attempted...
In a chilling case, a Somali migrant in Germany, Mursal Mohamed Seid (24), who brutally murdered his roommate by inflicting 111 stab wounds before decapitating him, managed to escape custody during a trip to the cinema...
Are you concerned about the future of Western civilization? Do you believe in protecting the cultural values and freedoms that have shaped our societies for centuries? In this eye-opening conversation, John Anderson...
Paris, France – An Australian tourist was brutally assaulted by five men in Paris during the early hours of Sunday morning. The attack occurred around 5:00 a.m., leaving the victim traumatized and seeking refuge in a...
Travelers on a crowded city bus in Malmö, Sweden, caused a stir when a video emerged of them chanting the Islamic war cry, “Takbir—Allahu Akbar,” as the bus navigated through the city streets. The incident has sparked...
Austria is bracing for its Easter celebrations against a backdrop of heightened security measures in response to a high threat level from Islamic terrorism, as Interior Minister Gerhard Karner stated. The...
Montreal's tuberculosis crisis, fueled by immigration, starkly exposes the failure of Canada's left-wing open border policies, jeopardizing the health and safety of Canadians and demanding immediate action to address...
Immigrant voices across Western nations resonate in support of conservative parties, like Germany's AfD and the Netherlands' PVV, as they champion national interests and address concerns over mass immigration and crime...
The national conservative government in Hungary has been under pressure from the EU for years because they oppose large-scale non-European immigration.
by Fjordman – reposted with permission In seven hours between March 4 and March 5, 2024, bombs detonated at two different apartment buildings in the Stockholm region, in Lidingö and Farsta...
In a recent article by Samnytt, findings from Säpo (Swedish Security Service) shed light on the escalating terrorism threat facing Sweden, mainly emanating from Muslim migrants. According to the report, there has been a...
The current political and demographic shifts in Europe are an existential threat to its indigenous populations, not seen since the Gates of Vienna in 1683, with concerns that European identity, culture, and history are...
Last autumn, a 75-year-old woman in central Stockholm received an unexpected visit from a so-called ‘unaccompanied refugee minor’ from Islamic Afghanistan. He had forced open her unlocked front door and...
In the serene town of Westmalle, Belgium, known for its strong sense of community and festive celebrations, an anti-Christian act of vandalism has once again marred the holiday spirit. The town’s cherished...
Amidst the ongoing migration crisis, German women tragically find themselves caught in the crosshairs, as migrant men, especially those of Muslim background, perceive them as acceptable targets.
Attacks by Islamic migrants have become a common occurrence in Germany since 2015, when then-Chancellor Angela Merkel flooded the country with over a million illegals.