News AfD Slams Parliament For Importing a Culture That Hates Women - 'You are turning Berlin into Baghdad' (Video) "Stop your lying multicultural romanticism! That’s the purest racism!" - MEP Mariana Harder-Kühnel Amy MekDecember 14, 2020
EuropeFranceNews Jean Messiha Warns France: 'It is Islam that Kills, Not Islamism' (Video) If you want to begin to solve the problems plaguing France, Messiah implores citizens to "use the real words to describe the evil". Amy MekOctober 26, 2020
DenmarkEuropeNewsSweden Danish Politician Rasmus Paludan Fights Back: Sues Sweden Over His Unconstitutional Ban (Watch) "Watching migrants stand in our own police uniforms and mock us while they deny us entry into our own country's" is unacceptable explains Paludan. Tania GrothOctober 22, 2020