The horrific Arabic “game,” Taharrush, first gained global attention in 2013 during the uprising in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, where local women and foreign journalists were sexually assaulted by groups of Islamic men...
Atallah Younes, a 23-year-old Palestinian influencer with over 300,000 Instagram followers, has been arrested at Berlin’s Willy Brandt Airport while attempting to flee the city. Younes, from Nablus in the West...
Last night in Villa Verucchio, a small town in Rimini, Italy, chaos and terror shattered the New Year’s celebrations. An Egyptian national armed with a knife attacked four innocent people in the streets before being...
Brutal hospital attack on New Year’s Eve! As a video from a surveillance camera at Lichtenberg Hospital shows, three young men caused a disturbance in a Berlin emergency room on New Year’s Eve and brutally...
The recent arrests linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISPK), recognized by intelligence services as the most dangerous terrorist organization actively dispatching terrorists specifically to Europe...