Tomio Okamura’s prosecution for opposing the EU Migration Pact exposes a chilling assault on freedom of speech, as he stands firm against illegal migration and EU overreach, calling it a fight for Czech sovereignty and...
New Zealand has demonstrated why no free people should ever tolerate any form of gun registry. Those against registries always claim that this is one step from confiscation. New Zealand has proven that this is true with...
Brother Rahide has a clear message for his TikTok followers: “The Muslim is the boss in the Netherlands. And if you don’t like it, you can leave.” He also claims that the Netherlands used to be the...
The first refugee to be elected to New Zealand’s parliament, Golriz Ghahraman, resigned on Tuesday following incidents of shoplifting, which she attributed to work-related stress. Originally from Iran, Ghahraman...
Steve Kirsch has analysed the data obtained from Barry Young, the New Zealand vaccine data whistleblower who was recently arrested under mass ‘breach of privacy’ legislation and faces up to seven years in prison.
The 42-year-old Dictator, who has held the position since 2017, became well-known worldwide during the pandemic for her contempt for individual freedom.
The World Economic Forum and other Globalist international organizations’ goal is to engineer a ‘Great Reset’ – a world government based on climate hysteria and social control.
"And I want every New Zealander to come forward, but human behavior suggests that there will be some people who we have to really go out and look for..."