Across the globe, Christians are enduring relentless persecution, displacement, and murder—yet the world remains silent. Why? Because much of the Western media and political classes have chosen indifference. Their...
“UNRWA is not a humanitarian organization; it is the propaganda arm of Hamas. These so-called aid workers crossed the border with terrorists, slaughtered civilians, and kidnapped children. These are the people teaching...
In a chilling echo of Mao’s struggle sessions, a small Ontario town and its mayor have been fined and sentenced to ideological reeducation for refusing to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag, exposing the dangerous erosion of...
The UN's Global Digital Compact, disguised as a plan for internet safety, is actually a blueprint for global surveillance, designed to control free speech and silence dissent under the guise of combating misinformation.
The October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel was a brutal, premeditated jihad by Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups, part of a larger Islamic war aimed at annihilating Jews, with widespread global support from Muslims...
In 2023, nearly 14 Christians were killed each day, totaling 4,998 for the year, as a result of persecution for their faith, according to the 2024 World Watch List by Open Doors.