Though often portrayed as a charitable endowment, Waqf has long served as a strategic tool for Islamic territorial dominance, allowing groups to seize control of non-Muslim lands under the guise of religious obligation...
Once conservative MEP Tom Vandendriessche exposed the globalist migration scheme, threats of a parliamentary investigation were launched, accompanied by smears and false accusations, including likening his words to Nazi...
A word to the wise: I will support Gaza to the death. Until my death, be aware of it. I will support Gaza to the death. I will support Palestine to the death. And those are my brethren. And I will remain faithful to the...
Amidst rising geopolitical tensions and just before Christmas, the fast arrest of Jihad suspects under surveillance raises questions: Was it a preemptive move against an Islamic attack, or a response to an immediate...
This Turkish-controlled mosque will be one more victory in Erdoğan’s plan to Islamize Europe, seize control and ultimately re-establish the Ottoman Empire.
European Union wishes to punish Hungary and Poland for not accepting the globalist, and Soros driven program to create a new Europe without Christian identity using mass Islamic immigration.