At the heart of Germany’s political resurgence, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), the country’s only conservative party, once again proves itself as the voice of the people. During their election celebration...
In an alarming series of events, the left-wing German government has escalated its efforts to dismantle its conservative opposition through a multifaceted approach that includes state-sponsored violence, legal...
The German government's recent ban on AfD members owning firearms reveals its authoritarian methods of suppressing political opposition and silencing conservative voices, mirroring tactics used by communist regimes to...
In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA, MEP Christine Anderson highlights the resolute stance of Germany's lone conservative party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), as it gains massive support, battles leftist...
Conservative AfD politicians in Germany confront escalating left-wing and migrant violence, marked by arson, harassment, intimidation, doxing, vandalism, and even assassination attempts, fueled by government funding and...