"Remigration" is a bold policy concept originating from European conservative leaders, primarily targeting Islamic immigration, advocating for the return of migrants to their home countries to address the societal...
A quiet yet insidious transformation is taking place: American Christian churches are being systematically converted into mosques, signaling an Islamic conquest intent on erasing the nation's heritage and conquering its...
Brookfield, Wisconsin – Two Islamic immigrant doctors practicing in Brookfield, Wisconsin, Dr. Iyad Azzam and Dr. Wiaam Taha, are facing serious allegations of child abuse and causing mental harm to a child. Iraqi...
"By Allah, all of them will be killed by Muslims. They all will be executed by Muslims. They will all be killed, this is a divine promise that will inevitably be fulfilled." - Imam Alhajie Jallow
Marcus Schroeder saw his arrest as an honor, standing for his beliefs alongside those before him, and he believed the arrests fueled more support for their cause.
RAIR Foundation USA will continue to update this breaking Waukesha story here. UPDATE: Jackson Sparks, 8, succumbs to injuries, bringing the death toll to six. UPDATE: Affidavit Released. Police Officer believes suspect...