Taliban, With its Tens of Billions of US Weapons, Asks Iran for Passage to Assist in Israel's Annihilation

The Taliban has reportedly asked Iran for passage to Israel to help Hamas continue its terror against the Jewish state, according to multiple foreign media reports from October 7.

The Taliban has allegedly asked for passage to ‘conquer Jerusalem’ if Iran, Jordan, and Iraq are willing to support their troops.

In June, The Middle East Monitor reported that when the US fled Afghanistan, it left behind an estimated USD 80B in weapons. Some have already found their way to Gaza as far back as June.

US arms left in Afghanistan have been smuggled to the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, Sama News Agency reported on Friday.

The local Palestinian news agency disclosed that Newsweek reported an unnamed senior Israeli military official confirming: “Some of the small weapons seized in Afghanistan had been spotted in the hands of Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip.”

The Israeli military official raised concerns about the “dangers” of sending advanced US and Western arms, sent to Ukraine to: ‘Israel’s enemies in the region, including in Iran.’”

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad


  • Thanks to our traitor-in-chief 80 billion in arms was left for the taliban to use for their terrorist activities and aluha akbar horseshit.. The satanic elite want WWIII to hide their financial ponzi scheme, and to drag America into war for the traditional methods of depopulation. Then the chaos of war will give them the opportunity to flee to their well stocked bunkers, once the smoke clears, out they will pop as self-appointed demi-gods to rule over and enslave the peons..

  • Wonder if Iran and hezbolla will jump in the mix? That would be a keyway to instigate WWIII. Israel would probably use a nuke. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail. Saudis were blaming Israel today earlier. This could get ugly in a flash.

  • Another report indicates the Talibani are calling for other islamos to join in the battle to assist hamas now. It’s not like they don’t have an arsenal to supply willing jihadi either. So, here comes the bloodbath to bring in their false messiah.🙈😝🙈

  • Well, that didn’t take long. Iran’s Ayatollah Asshollah is cheering the slaughter of lefty kids, just like a hardliner. Of course, our idiot fake president just gave them another 6 billion USD, and Homobama gave them pallets of cash before, indirectly funding terrorism from the hardliners. Bozobiden also just approved another 8 billion to Israel. Never seen so many idiots pop out of the toilet bowl as of late. Also reports of Homobama’s pals, Code Pinko cheering the hammasholes!

  • Well, as predicted, now hezbolla-@ssholes are firing into Israel. This will get out of control very quickly too. Hardliners view all Israeli as all zionists. This is incorrect. There are some, but not all. Many are regular people that have no zionist ties. They are just using it as an excuse to validate terrorism. Also killing of non-military targets. Very bad as it will engender escalation, more hatred, and death between countries that hate each other.

    • Off topic:

      Another sad fact geopolitically speaking is redchinesey will view this as an excellent opportunity to invade Taiwan. We have border cartel incursions, Pukraine, and Mid East war. This is strategically the best opportunity. Also, our own military reserves of ammo and weaponry are low. Watch out for redchinesey. They are the biggest enemy of all.

  • Ilan omar(married her brother), and her fraud squad are holding rallies to support hammasholes again. Lindsey Grahamhole(sodomite buttclown) is war mongering like a complete neocon fa66ot again. Probably tomorrow Mark “LaVin” will do the same. He will do his islamo-nazi routine on his lame radio show —that they pushed into the dead slot @1800hrs. 💩🤡


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