Tariq Ramadan: The Fall of the West’s ‘Moderate Muslim’ Hero

Once celebrated as the intellectual beacon of modern, moderate Islam, Tariq Ramadan has been exposed as a sexual predator whose carefully crafted façade has crumbled under the weight of multiple accusations. Ramadan, 62, was convicted by a Swiss appeals court for rape and sexual abuse, sentencing him to three years in prison—two of which are suspended—after years of evading justice. Despite his insistence that he was the victim of a set-up, the court found him guilty, marking the beginning of the end for a man who had long duped the leftist elite into believing he was the “Great Moderate Hope.”

For years, Ramadan’s supporters in academia and media turned a blind eye to his deep-rooted ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, ignoring his adherence to the dangerous Islamic ideology of the organization founded by his grandfather, Hassan al-Banna. Journalist Caroline Fourest’s exposé on Ramadan, Frère Tariq, shed light on his double discourse—where he preached moderation to Western audiences but espoused radical views behind closed doors. Despite this, Ramadan continued to rise, becoming a professor at Oxford University and being lauded by figures who neither understood nor cared about his Brotherhood connections​.

The recent conviction stems from a 2008 incident in which a woman accused Ramadan of raping and beating her in a Geneva hotel room. While he claimed the encounter was consensual and part of a “trap” set by his enemies, the evidence painted a far more brutal picture. Ramadan’s case is not an isolated one. He faces similar accusations from multiple women in France and Switzerland, many of whom have testified to his violent tendencies hidden behind the veneer of intellectual sophistication​.

Ramadan’s connection to Islamic teachings is not just a footnote—it is central to understanding his behavior. Like devout Muslims who follow traditional Islamic teachings, Ramadan’s actions reflect the Qur’an’s explicit permissions regarding sexual relations with captives and non-Muslim women, seen in verses like 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, and 70:30. These verses, which historically have been used to justify the sexual exploitation of women during times of war, were applied by Ramadan to justify his abusive actions. Despite presenting himself as a scholar of Islamic reform, his conduct aligns with fundamentalist views rooted in the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, who permitted such actions with captive women. Ramadan stands accused of using his religious and academic authority to prey on women, all while being shielded by influential backers. His fall exposes the contradiction between his public persona and his adherence to Islamic texts.

Among those benefactors is the Qatari government, which has reportedly funneled substantial sums to Ramadan over the years, helping him maintain his position as a leading Islamic intellectual. Qatar’s funding of Muslim Brotherhood-related individuals and institutions across Europe, including Ramadan, is well-documented, and it raises serious questions about his true motivations. Despite being celebrated as a reformer, Ramadan’s financial ties to Qatar suggest he has been a well-paid agent of influence for one of the most radical and dangerous Islamic movements in the world​.

Ramadan’s downfall exposes the failure of Western intellectuals and institutions to adequately scrutinize figures like him. For years, he was lauded by left-wing elites who saw him as the perfect embodiment of a moderate Muslim capable of bridging the gap between Islam and the West. In reality, his outward persona was a sham, concealing deep-seated resentment for Western values and a steadfast loyalty to the very ideologies he claimed to reform​.

Ramadan’s case is emblematic of the broader dangers posed by Islamic supremacists who hide behind the veil of moderation. His conviction should serve as a wake-up call to those who, for too long, have ignored the warning signs in favor of a more palatable narrative. His fall from grace is not just a personal tragedy but a powerful indictment of those who celebrated him without ever understanding who he truly was.

In the end, Tariq Ramadan will no longer be remembered as the “towering intellect” of modern Islam but as a man who used his influence to manipulate, abuse, and deceive. His conviction is a victory for his victims and a stark reminder that even the most powerful Islamic figures operating in the West cannot escape justice forever.​

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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